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Rai sleeps in one of the many rooms in Stark tower. Her bed is beside a window overlooking the sky line. A man wearing a fitted black shirt and deep green pants is reading a book in a chair on the side of the bed.

The door opens slowly and a blonde man comes into the room carrying a plate of food and a bottle of water. "Brother you must eat" the man looks up and his emerald eyes look past the blonde man.

"I wasn't there for her. This is my fault" the blonde man sets the plate and bottle down on the table and he pulls up another chair.

"She was with...her family. Her grandfather her mother .....-.." Loki slams his hand on the table.

"I am her father I should've protected her! ....right?"

His voice is soft and uncertain.

"Yes..." the blonde man puts a hand on Loki's shoulder.

"Do you know where she was taken?"

"Likely the same place I was." Loki says without emotion.

"Brother -..."

"Save it Thor. Are you done with your questioning?"

"Brother I was not sent by Odin"

"Who then? The pirate?"

"He's not a pirate he's the director!"

Loki sighs and he goes over to the large window.

"It would go a long way if you know something that would help"

"Then I'll be accused of helping for my own gain" Loki says quietly.

"Do you hate this planet?" Loki turns his eyes narrow.

"Of course not. Frankly they..fascinate me." Loki says "after all ...never mind" he shakes his head trying to get the image of Iroh of all people out of his mind.

He goes over to the tea station and begins to make tea. "Want some?"

"I didn't know you liked tea..."

"yes well...I do" he brings the pot and two cups over and pours two cups. They sit in silence for a few moments and then Loki gasps as the girl on the bed sits up her eyes opening.

He stands up and rushes over to her. The blonde man stays back trying to gauge the situation.

"Rai?" Loki whispers

Rai's gold eye focuses on Loki's face and she touches it.. "huh...you haven't changed much have you?"
Loki doesn't speak be simply touches Rai's forehead and face and he says "you've grown" he presses his forehead into hers and gently touches her arms as she begins to shiver.

"Who...we're those creatures...nay monsters?"
Rai whispers.

"Don't worry about them —..." at this Rai's head snaps back and she lets out a humorless laugh

"Don't worry about them? Don't worry about them? They've promised to destroy everything."

Rai's eyes flicker across the room taking in every detail...

"Rai?" Loki says uncertain.

"Rai what happened why aren't you at the palace?"

Rai turns to Loki and she squints before she says "with Ozai?"

"Ozai? What about Iroh?"

"After you...were gone grandpa abdicated...and Ozai was going to kill Zuzu...Zuko and then auntie Ursa made a deal with Ozai and Azulon died instead but auntie Ursa had to leave ..."

"That still doesn't explain why you're not at the palace" Loki says.

"Oh...well I was kicked out" Rai says.

"Kicked out?!"  Loki says Rai nods and she says
Ozai didn't like that I couldn't fire-bend so he sent me to Rokus island so I started a rebellion"

Loki's eyes widen

"You forged a rebellion against your uncle?"

Rai nods.

"But why are you not at Rokus temple?"

"I had to leave. But Zuko found me and then..." Rai stops  and pulls her legs up under her just as the door opens and a man comes in pushing a cart and says

"alright time for- ..."

His eyes widen at the sight of Rai being awake.

"Ah perfect ...Rai this is Bruce he's our medical professional ..." Rai only puts her hood over her head and tries to make herself smaller. Loki sits down on the bed next to her.


Rai is whispering to her self.

This isn't real this isn't real breathe-

"Rai!" Rai doesn't respond her eyes are wide as she continues to repeat the montra.

This isn't real this isn't real breathe-This isn't real this isn't real breathe-This isn't real this isn't real breathe-This isn't real this isn't real breathe-This isn't real this isn't real breathe-This isn't real this isn't real breathe-This isn't real this isn't real breathe-This isn't real this isn't real breathe-This isn't real this isn't real breathe-This isn't real this isn't real breathe-This isn't real this isn't real breathe-This isn't real this isn't real breathe-

Two arms grab Rai's arms gently

"Rai this is real...I'm real..." Rai raises her eyes. Her gold eye focuses on the man's face. He touches her face gently and he pulls her to his chest.

"It's alright .." Rai clings to him shaking as he whispers "don't worry I won't let you go"

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