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It was decided that the students would remain in the great hall overnight the students waited to the side as the professors got the hall ready. House elves brought the students necessities and classes until after lunch would be canceled the next day to allow the students to catch up. Zuzu is sitting on Rai's stomach as she leans up against the wall while laying on one of the transfigured chairs that was turned into a single bed.

Rai finds it difficult to get comfortable and thinks back to when she lived elsewhere...

Thunder cracks in the sky as lighting soon sets it alight. A young girl runs down the hallway and towards her cousins room. She peers into the room her eyes wide.

I love you...never forget who you are... mom!

Rai backs into the shadows and she watches as her auntie Ursa leaves a hood over her head.

Rai slips into the room letting the door close behind her.

Zuko turns mom? His eyes soften when he sees his little cousin.

He goes over to her and lifts her up.

Rai what are you doing here?

I don't like the loud fire

I know.

Zuko goes over to the window

he says
you can count on me I'll be your brother.

I thought you were my cousin?

I am kiddo. He brings Rai back over to his bed where the small girl curls up next to him and sleeps peacefully.

In the morning before the sunrises Zuko takes the small girl back to her room just as her nanny is looking for her.

She smiles and nods to the prince as he lays her down still sleeping her eyes flutter and she whispers zuzu...zuzu...Zuko smiles and he kneels down allowing her to slowly release him before he leaves to return to his own bedroom.

Three years later

Do it! Do it now! Rai lifts her hand to bend but she only lifts the earth which is already crumbled- ahh! A fire whip strikes her back she doubles over stop me! Rai's eyes narrow and she begins to move in circles - stop it!

Another crack of the fire whip


Rai falls to her knees and the earth around her begins to heat up turning into lava....Rai! Rai looks up and she sees her cousin.

Don't interrupt ...but father she's. -quiet! Ozai snaps. Rai breathes on the earth and it hardens. She stands up slowly.

I am not a fire bender Ozai.

Then Rai begins to walk until she passes him.

He grabs her arm and twists it backwards.

Rai cries out and he says

"go...you will no longer show your face here ....you are exiled to Roku's island ....I will however be sending guards to ensure you continue your training and to...keep an eye on you"

Rai looks up at her uncle her eyes narrowing. He grabs her wrist and it begins to heat up. "Keep your mouth shut" he says releasing it leaving a visible burn. Rai doesn't show any sign of pain until she's in her bedroom ...


Rai turns she's studying on one of the many balconies in the temple.

Rai turns her eyes wide. To her surprise it isn't Zuko it's Azula who is looking at her.

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