Visions and dreams

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Come with me...


Do it! Do it now!

I can't!

Fire bend you are a FIRE BENDER!

Uncle please- I am your FIRE LORD!

Rai is falling falling through darkness until she's in a familiar
place. Her body feels light as she begins to fly. She lands on a tree branch and waits for her friend.

A white fox with nine tails comes over and says Rai! Yue! Rai says flying down and swerving before landing on the ground.

You're hurt ...what happened?

The...the avatar Roku's temple ...he was almost caught. I was...


Rai turns her gold eye glowing in the low light.

You never told me what happened to your eye. Yue says softly.

It's not something I talk about. Rai says looking away.

Are you with someone? She asks

My cousin. Rai says

Where is he going?

I don't know. Haven't spoken to him much. It's's been three years.


Rai sighs and she says he made ...he...he spoke up in a war meeting and ...Un-Ozai ...

Ozai the fire lord?


Rai turns and Yue says did you speak up to him too?

Yes. Rai says looking at the white fox with her gold eye.

Rai turns when she hears an unfamiliar voice.

You must leave. You do not belong here girl! Kioshi! Rai turns when she hears Roku's voice.

She is of the enemy!

The atmosphere begins to cool and Rai looks around as darkness seems to surround her she closes her eyes and begins to fly upwards until she sees Yue and she lands on her head and Yue begins to run. Yue stops at a beautiful pool of water and Rai hops from her  head and looks into the water and sees herself. She also sees a girl with white hair and blue eyes.

Rai turns when she hears a familiar voice

Rai? Rai wake up. Please...

I think your cousin is calling to you.

Until we meet again ...

The pheniox vanishes in a flash of light ....


Rai opens her eyes and she blinks a few times and she pushes herself up so she's looking fully at her cousin who is leaning against the futon Rai is on.

"Cousin?" Rai's voice is small but it makes the prince start and he turns to her. He notices the lump on her head and he sits up fully.

"Are you going to tell me what happened in the temple?" He asks quietly. Rai studies him and he sighs stands up and sits next to Rai.

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