^The Second Chapter^

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^Chapter II^

Silent Night

Hwang Pil Gwang Pov.

At Night, I was in the highest hotel watching something over my window..then i begun to be thirsty..i open my window and jump outside, looking for bloods..then i hear a unnecessary sounds far away behind me..i jump to the roof and run as fast as i can,

Then..i found a naughty hunter fighting my vampire teammate.His skills we're fast,stronger and powerful, it seems like he's the strongest hunter among his teammates..

he defeated my one teammate Instantly..i jumped down against the roof and put my hands inside my pockets..

"Aren't you the strongest hunter in this town..?"

He looked at me so seriously with a blood on his face,he suddenly frowned like a devil, i glance down to his hands, starting to clench it in angriness...

"Shut up You piece of shit..."

"Well...That's not what i'm asking for..Perhaps..I'm looking for blood."

"There is no blood for you! you damn vampire!!"

He throw his sharp knife to me but i dodge it, i quickly approach him with my speed, I pull his arms and pinned him to the wall.

"I will suck the blood out of your neck in case you lose consciousness.."

"Try me and i'll put you in your grave.."

I lean down to his glistening neck and begin to suck it through the skin, he squeal loudly and kick me right through my stomach.he took his sharp knife and touch his neck.

"You asshole..i was about to drink your blood."

He groan and run away from me, the kick wasn't hurt that much,i smirk smugly and exhaled softly..

"I'll suck your blood next time and play with your body soon..."

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