^New Main Character Unlocked!^

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Shin Hyeok U

24 Year Old


Black Hunter

Strong hunter like So Mun, Duos with So Mun,hunts a softhearted person,loves being with partners,smiled like a bunny,has a pretty secret,single,loves hunting bloody vampires as fuck

Strong hunter like So Mun, Duos with So Mun,hunts a softhearted person,loves being with partners,smiled like a bunny,has a pretty secret,single,loves hunting bloody vampires as fuck

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1. if you like shin hyeok u pov's i can add one of those, if you want to, please comment here thanks!

2.and also, i wanted to add him so bad..but this can also ruins my story but it's alright..i can do it on my own..

3.please enjoy the story and see ya on the other chapters! :)

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