^The Third Chapter^

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^Chapter III^

Sunshine Morning

So Mun Pov.

I was sleeping in my mansion..and I got arouse up by the sunlight in my brown eyes..I sat up,stretch my arms and even rub my eyes

"Ahh...I had a good sleep.."

I stood up and left my door open..I'm literally alone in this mansion..i'm not afraid..i went to the bathroom and check my neck if it was ok..but not..it has 2 red spots...that hurts last night...

"It's alright..no need to be stress..."

after i talk to myself, i went out to the bathroom and someone scared me as fuck and she has...white skin...bright white pixie hair...red eyes and piercing on the lips...I widened my eyes and my hands starts to tremble now....

"Remember Me? So Mun?"

I didn't answer her because of my shivers...She begin to stare at me so crucial...i look away against her red eyes...i can hear her breath coming out from her mouth..

"What is that on your neck?

She ask me seriously, i didn't answer anything just yet..I shook my head slowly and ignored her..

"Answer Me.." 

I ignore her once again...i touch my neck lightly and i exhaled in angriness..

"Forget about it...i just want to meet you... but...i'll leave you alone first..."

She step out of my mansion and close the door..i check my phone and it was 1:00

I prepared my sharp knife and changed my clothes.

I went outside,looking for the damn vampires..until..

I hear an unnecessary footsteps...and it was behind me..i turned around and then it was a bloody vampire with an evil smirk

"Well..It looks like you're about to explode with anger.."

"Shut the fuck up..."

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