^The Eighth Chapter^

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^Chapter VIII^

The Dark Sky III

Hwang Pil Gwang Pov

"Pil Gwang!! Are you out of your mind!?!?"

Gelly utter her voice in madness.. i exhaled irritatingly and i glared at her so serious.

"What do you mean by i'm out of my mind?"

"I Mean!- So Mun! He's so young!! he's an 18 year old and you want to fuck him up all by yourself!!??"

"Yes? And why do you care?"

"Would you stop doing that nonsense?! Can't you see?! He's so young!!!"

"I don't care if he's too young!!, and i wanted him all for myself!!"

"You know what's deserve for you?!, your route should be to hunt black hunters directly and your inclination is to flirt!"


"...Our mission was to hunt malicious preys, except you...you're the man who wants to fuck up a boy."

That word exactly hurts a little bit..she glared too much in front of my red eyes..she turn around and left me behind..

I mean..goddamn it!, my role was to hunt malicious prey..but why do i have to born like this?

I can't move on to So Mun..he literally has a tough love...i just want him badly..nothing else...i just don't want to kill him like nothing happened...

i look out through the window and the sun was already rising up..i cover the window using curtains and i left without any reason..


So Mun Pov

Me and Hyeok U are still together, walking through the streets...then i start to feel like i'm dizzy and my vision are blurring a little bit..i squeeze my eyes shut and i open it quickly..

"Um..Hyeok U..I think i'm starting to faint.."

"Let me carry you to my back...ready..1 2 3!"

I jump to his back and i start closing my eyes peacefully and gently...i think it's because i didn't slept much...fuck..why does it feels like i'm covered in embarrassment?

"Do you want me to take you on my mansion?"

"Sure..I guess.."


Long Hour Later...

Bright Sunshine Morning

I open my eyes quickly, covered in the sun bright...and this was not my mansion..i stood up and open the door carefully, I don't think Hwang Pil Gwang brought me here...

"Oh! You're Awake!"

"Hyeok U? how did i get here?"

"Well you almost fall asleep so i carry you to my back and brought you to my mansion..."

"Oh..i'm so sorry about that and-"

"No need to apologize it's all good...anyways do you want a breakfast?"

"No i'm ok..i'm not in the mood for eating.."

"I don't think you are fine today, are you really okay?"

"Tsk...you're worried too much today.."

"Do you know my crazy news for today?"

"No why what's going on?"

"The black hunters...ship us..and wants us to be together.."

"What? why?"

"i already tell them why..and they don't have a reason..it's crazy right?"

"It's not crazy..it's embarrassing..."

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