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"Seo Woon, pay attention!" My friend snapped me out of the novel I was reading. "Ah sorry, it's just that I was catching up on the last chapter of the novel I was reading that just came out. I just couldn't miss it!" I just wouldn't miss it, the story was going to be removed from the site in three days, "Yeah, yeah, at least pay attention to where you're going, you know how many apologies I've had to give to random people, just cause you won't pay attention and you keep running into people." Oops, guess I should have paid more attention, but did I bump into that many people? "Sorry, just let me read this last chapter," I didn't realize I just kept walking, "Wait! SEO WOON!!!"

Suddenly all I could see was a bright light and a red liquid pouring out of me. My vision was blurry, and I could barely hear anything. I could barely make out the sounds of sirens and my friend calling out to me. "Seo Woon, Seo Woon! Just Hang on, don't leave us yet. Come on, how can us poor people live without your great fashion?!" This girl with her constant humor "Yes... just how in the world will you live without...," suddenly I coughed up blood and my consciousness started fading out, "Sorry, you know I've always been a bit weak, tell my family I love them and-" I coughed up blood again "No, NO, SHUT UP! It won't happen, stay with me! SEO WOON!" As the last vestiges of my consciousness faded away, I said, "I'll miss you. Take good care of my business for me and make sure my grave doesn't wear out too quickly... I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." My friend burst into tears and started screaming 'no, no no, please, please,' over and over and over again up until the point I could no longer hear nor see her anymore...

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