Chapter 9: The Holy Naming Ceremony, part 1

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((AN): This is a 2 part chapter, the 2nd part will be posted next week)

 "Wait... If that was the case, wouldn't it have shown my magical prowess at the holy naming ceremony?" I stated matter-of-factly.

The Holy Naming ceremony was something conducted at the temple every time a child was one year of age. The child's magic power, level, potential, and godly names are measured and given during this event. Sometimes, if it is a really important person getting measured, like a noble, there might be spectators. The godly names are the titles the Gods give you, sort of like the one the gods gave me, you know Iniko Sehena Aella, blah blah blah. Since I was 5 years old I had already had my Holy Naming Ceremony, and as far as I could tell from the story, I had no magic power, at ALL.

I smiled triumphantly, thinking I had won this debate before Henry had to go and spoil my fun. He said, "Maybe it was an error?" While it was true that there could be rare cases of misconceptions about magical power, I knew for a fact that mine was accurate. Then, a sudden realization struck me – it wasn't MY magical power that was being measured accurately; it was the real Loila's. If I were to undergo the Holy Naming Ceremony now, the results might be different. "W-well, isn't that super rare, like once in a hundred years rare?" I stammered, attempting to deflect their suspicions.

"Well, we can check that right now," my father interjected. It was at that moment I remembered one key fact: all noble families in the novel had a level measuring device in their houses in case of emergencies or the rare chance of an inaccurate measurement. The device was a standard magical tool that could accurately measure the magical power of an individual. A veil of dread covered me as my father called the servants to bring out the device.

"W-wait, is that really necessary?" I said nervously, trying to save myself from the possibility of being exposed. "If you are innocent this won't be a problem, right?" Victor responded. 'This bastard, if you'd just shut your mouth, don't you know it hurts an actor's pride when you use logic to devalue their acting,' I thought while clenching my fist.

((AN): this thing:*** means we're switching to someone else's point of view, I may or may not decide to tell you exactly whose point of view we're switching to based on the storyline. Oh yeah, one more thing I forgot, never mind, my advisors don't want me to tell so I'll give you a hint, in poem form of course! Collars curse, regret and remorse, Temmy's an idiot, The Gods want smut, and Im F***ing tired. Yeah, none of you can guess this NO WAY. If one of you manages to guess it, the first person to guess it correctly gets a secret hidden chapter from the original story Loila reincarnated into, and gets a sneak peek at some of the male leads.)

***: Victor's Point of View

Victor couldn't believe his luck. The revelation that Loila could use illusion magic was an unexpected twist, but what delighted him even more was her attempt to play the innocent child. "She's sooooo cute," he thought to himself, a mischievous glint in his eyes. The entire family, including Victor, was collectively enamored by the adorable act Loila put on.

The way she tried to deflect blame onto Henry, claiming innocence with a childish demeanor, only added to the amusement. Victor found it both entertaining and intriguing. "Imagine if she really can use magic! Oh, that's my Loila," he mused internally. Despite the tension in the room, Victor couldn't help but appreciate the unexpected turn of events.

As the family prepared to measure her magical prowess, Victor's excitement grew. The prospect of discovering the true extent of Loila's abilities filled him with anticipation. Whether she possessed magical powers or not, Victor was thoroughly enjoying the theatrics unfolding before him.

"SHE'S SOOO CUTE!!!" he couldn't help but exclaim internally, reveling in the unique charm of the situation. The charismatic facade Loila presented, coupled with the possibility of hidden magical talents, added an extra layer of intrigue to the already complex dynamics within the Felanaire family.

***: Loila

Eventually, the servants brought in the device that was to be used in the holy naming ceremony. It was a round orb that was dull, like a glass bulb that hadn't been polished in a long time. According to the story, I just have to touch this, and it should measure my prowess.

The magician who was called in to help with the ceremony told me, "Young miss, you simply have to touch the orb and it will write out your statistics for us to see." I gulped nervously when he said this, knowing I would have no excuse to not do it anymore. I thought about asking Temmy for a skill that hides my powers but apparently, my 'system' level wasn't high enough to create skills yet.

I eventually placed my hand on the orb that would determine how my family would see me from now on.

(part 1 end)

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