Chapter 2: Why do I have Such Bad Luck

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Authors note (AN):  This chapter is a very short one forgive me, but this is all I could think of, and the rest didn't fit with this chapter or were to be used in another chapter that I couldn't spoil too quickly. 

 With that sentence, I confirmed just who I was. I was Loila Floyd, an unnamed character in my favorite novel, one that was barely seen in a single scene in the novel. The only reason I know my name is because the author put so much detail into her character even though she was only a plot device that was mentioned and/or seen on only one page in the entire novel. I emailed the author for her name. The worst part was, as a child, she was deeply hated by the male leads just because one day she said a color didn't look good on the female lead.

As the realization sank in, I couldn't help but feel the irony of my situation. I, who once held the reins of a successful fashion corporation and led a powerful life, had now been relegated to the role of an obscure, despised character within the confines of a fictional world. The author's meticulous attention to detail in crafting my character, despite my fleeting presence, became both a blessing and a curse.

Even my name meant unnamed, Iniko meant "child with no name" Anoni was a form of Anon which was just a short form of anonymous, and Loila, in the original novel's ancient language meant "Not mentioned".  The only name of any significance I've ever had was Floyd. How can the author be so cruel?!

The memory of the pivotal scene resurfaced—the moment I, as Loila Floyd, dared to voice an opinion on the female lead's attire. Little did I know that my innocuous comment would cast a shadow over my existence in this fantastical realm. The male leads, driven by irrational hatred, sought to eliminate me, a mere child with no agency in the unfolding narrative.

With a heavy sigh, I contemplated the challenges that lay ahead. How could I navigate this world, where my very existence seemed to be entwined with the whims of characters I barely knew? Determination flickered in my eyes as I vowed to defy the preordained fate of Loila Floyd and rewrite the script that had confined me to the shadows.

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