Chapter 8: I Mean It, I'm Really Not OP!

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((AN): While I do NOT appreciate CA introducing everyone instead of me I guess it's better to do it sooner than later, you forgot AA the one who writes most of this when I'm doing something also F*** you CA I changed my password)

"Loila-" Victor started, then they all screamed at once, "WHAT WAS THAT?!"

The sudden outburst echoed through the grand dining hall, their voices a chaotic symphony of surprise and disbelief. I sat there, caught in the crossfire of their collective shock, feeling the weight of their gaze intensify. My attempt to conceal my magical aura had clearly failed, and now I found myself facing the consequences of their newfound knowledge.

The Duke's stern expression hardened, his eyes narrowing at me. "What sort of trickery is this, Loila?" he demanded, his voice cutting through the air like a whip. The Duchess's composed facade faltered for a moment, replaced by an expression of both suspicion and disdain. Henry's mischievous smile transformed into a wolfish grin, while Victor's unreadable gaze seemed to delve deeper into my very essence.

Panicking under the scrutiny, I stammered, "I-I don't know what you mean. It must be some sort of misunderstanding." But my feeble attempt at denial only seemed to intensify their suspicion.

"Magic!" Henry exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "She's got magic, just like me and Victor!" The Duchess scoffed, "Magic? In Loila? This is preposterous. Loila, explain yourself."

Victor remained silent, observing me with an inscrutable gaze. The atmosphere in the room grew more tense, the air heavy with unspoken accusations and unanswered questions. I could feel the weight of their expectations, and it became increasingly clear that my attempts at maintaining a facade of normalcy had crumbled before their eyes.

In the chaos, I telepathically blamed the gods once again for my predicament. "This is all your fault!" I directed my frustration towards Temmy, the celestial advisor who had bestowed upon me the overwhelming titles and powers. Temmy, in his cat form, appeared nonchalant, as if enjoying the spectacle. "Well, User, it seems the cat's out of the bag, quite literally," his words echoed in my mind, laced with amusement.

"Temmy!" I screamed angrily, in my mind. "Uh, Temmy use some sort of skill to make them ignore this!"

In my moment of desperation, I beseeched Temmy to intervene and salvage the situation. The gods had granted me extraordinary abilities, and now I needed their guidance to navigate the turbulent waters of this unexpected revelation. Temmy, with a mischievous glint in his cat-like eyes, responded to my plea.

{Fear not, User. I shall invoke the divine skill of Illusory Veil. Let the ordinary prevail, and their perception shall be shrouded in a veil of ignorance.}

Temmy's words resonated in my mind as he cast the illusion, weaving a magical tapestry to cloak the extraordinary aura that had exposed my true nature.

As the illusion settled over the room, a subtle shift occurred in the expressions of my family. Confusion replaced accusation, and their attention seemed to waver as if the revelation had been nothing more than a fleeting figment of their imagination.

The Duke rubbed his temples, muttering, "Must be the stress. I could have sworn..." The Duchess, too, seemed to dismiss the notion, exchanging glances with my brothers, who appeared momentarily perplexed.

"Magic or not, Loila, you still need to address your fainting spells," Victor stated calmly, seemingly unaffected by the magical disturbance. "We can't have you collapsing at every turn."

I seized the opportunity, grateful for Temmy's intervention. "Of course, Victor. I've already consulted the family doctor, and he assures me it's nothing serious. Just a bout of fatigue, perhaps." My words, veiled in the illusionary normalcy, seemed to appease them, and the conversation shifted towards more mundane matters.

After the events that occurred in the dining room, I went straight to my room and plopped down on the bed. "Thank heaven for illusion magic," I said to no one in particular with my face buried in my pillow. "Ugh, I forgot that the stupid aura exists." I said exasperated, "I can't be doing that, I think that took ten years off my lifespan. Ugh, it's like a life or death situation that takes years off my life anyways, basically suicide." I growled into my pillow. Then I suddenly sat up and said, "At least this doesn't seem like a common thing, Thank the gods!"

After I said that my family barged in the room, with Henry saying "Ha, I knew it, it was illusion magic. Don't you know that you used low-level illusion magic since I can also use magic that low-level magic won't work on me!" After he said that I plopped back down on my pillow, "I retract my previous statement. Screw the gods" I mumbled to myself quietly.

"Loila, is this true?" questioned my father and mother, the only two in my family without magic. Only my two brothers and I apparently have magic. "Um, ergh, uh. No! No, it's not true! Henry's lying!" I said in my most innocent and childish voice, using the facade that I was physically only 5 years old. Victor raised an eyebrow, skeptical of my response.

"Well then, if that's how we're going to play this," Victor said, "how were you acting so mature and dignified in the dining room?" I hadn't thought about that. Panic welled up within me as I scrambled for an explanation. "W-well, that's because... ergh ummm, because I had lessons from my teacher!" I said with an innocent smile on my face, attempting to divert attention. Victor, however, saw through my flimsy excuse.

"If you were truly as innocent as you're portraying, you wouldn't be able to answer that question, because you wouldn't know that you were acting mature," Victor stated matter-of-factly. The realization hit me, and I muttered, "Crap..." aloud, my attempt at deception unraveling before me. The room hung in a tense silence as my family awaited an explanation for the magic. I fumbled for a way to keep the illusion that I was innocent alive, then I remembered something.

((CA): PS I figured out her new password because she just can't keep a secret, it was pretty hard though it is *%^*%#&^#&^(JK))


((AN): This B**** really tried to post my password on Google Docs unfortunately for her I got there before anyone else. Just in case you are wondering, the relationship between me and my advisors is rather OK but moments like this really P*** me off)

The Strongest Being in the World is a Nameless ExtraOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora