Chapter 6: Yay, Family's Visiting

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I woke up on the bed I had seen in the room. Suddenly I heard a voice, "Ah, Miss you're awake! You had fainted again, and we rushed into the room to see you lying on the floor! So, we put you on the bed and called for a doctor, and um, you may not like this, but..." It was the Head Maid speaking so I knew whatever it was it probably wasn't good, so I asked "But what?" I said it rather than asked, but I said it nervously.

"...your family is on their way to see you," the maid continued, wringing her hands nervously. I blinked, still trying to shake off the grogginess of my sudden awakening. The realization hit me like a wave – I was about to face my family, the Duke and Duchess of Felanaire, and I had no idea what they were like, or how they would react to me, except for what the novel told me. The room felt tense, and I couldn't help but wonder how I would navigate this encounter with the people who were supposed to be my parents in this strange world.

In the original story, Loila's family were side villains, but they still posed a huge problem for the FL, at the time when they were a problem for the FL, they were considered the most ruthless and villainous family in the entire capital. By this point, you could probably guess what happened to them. They are also another reason Loila was a nameless character. The rest of her family members, her mother, father, and older brothers, were all ruthless and evil. Loila was the only sort of kind one in the entire family, so she was shunned.

My maid, sensing my nervousness also revealed, "All of them, not just your mother, your father and older brothers are coming as well" She fiddled with her hands some more and then said, "I'm sorry, it's just that you were asleep for over 3 days, I was worried so I called for the family doctor, and apparently that needs the duchess of the houses permission, and because it was multiple times she probably informed the others and... well, here we are" The maid was biting her lips as she said that.

As I was absorbing the information while telepathically blaming it on Temmy for making me faint in the first place. Feeling a surge of frustration, I directed my thoughts towards Temmy, the celestial advisor who had caused me to faint. "Temmy," I mentally scolded, "this is all your fault! If you hadn't overwhelmed me with those endless titles, I wouldn't have fainted in the first place!" My irritation mingled with anxiety as I awaited a response, hoping for some reassurance or guidance in this unexpected situation.

Hearing my thoughts, Temmy appeared in front of me in his cat form. Just to make sure I looked at the maid, she was still fiddling with her hands, which meant that she couldn't see Temmy. Since it was confirmed, that she couldn't see Temmy, I telepathically communicated with him, watching the familiar blue chat box appear in front of my eyes again.

"Temmy, you got me into this mess, so you better help me get out of it," I transmitted my frustration through telepathy. Temmy responded with a playful flick of his feline tail, a nonchalant attitude that only fueled my irritation. "Don't worry, User. I'll be here to guide you through this encounter with your family. Just remember, you're the Empress of the Gods now—don't let anyone intimidate you," Temmy's words echoed in my mind, offering a mix of support and amusement. With a sigh, I braced myself to meet my supposed 'family.'

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