Chapter 9: The Holy Naming Ceremony, part 2

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((AN): Short chapter, basically just chapter 5 but with her family)


As soon as I touched the dull. glass ball, a warm light enveloped me and the orb started glowing. The orb started showing a display of numbers and letters, before that let me explain.

In this world there are various ranks with which the highest level of the ranks are 99, once one reaches level 99 in their ranks they no longer have any more potential and can't level up anymore, My rank is SSSS which isn't even in the story, and according to Temmy my level is 9999∞, you can see the problem, let's just hope they think its a glitch, as well as all those titles, ugh.

The orb started showing my magical prowess, which was basically what everything Temmy said:

{Loila Iniko Sahana Aella Amedeo Kalista Florence Thalia Minerva Floyd:

Empress of the Gods

Daughter of the Duke of Felanaire

The Divine Muse of Eternity

The Unyielding Force of Chaos

The Living Canvas of Creation

The Beacon of Prosperity

The Compassionate Ruler of Hearts

The Supreme Empress of the Divine Realms

Elemental Mistress

Astral Voyager

Time Weaver

Arcane Artisan

The Radiant Enchantress of Eternity

The Unbridled Fury of the Cosmos

The Compassionate Empress of Harmony

The Fortuitous Sovereign of Destiny

The Artistic Muse of Infinite Creation

The Alluring Luminescence of Divine Grace

The Unstoppable Force of Celestial Anarchy

The Benevolent Beacon of Universal Serenity

The Charmed Sovereign of Infinite Blessings

The Artistic Alchemist of Endless Possibilities

Duchess of Felanaire

Lady of the Eternal Eclipse

Guardian of the Celestial Nexus

Enchantress of the Astral Veil

Sovereign of Stygian Splendor

Oracle of the Everlasting Void

Ruler of All

The Divine Monarch

Time Bender

Supreme Enchantress}

"Crap..." I said out loud as I saw this, then it just had to go and say;

{Rank SSSS supreme goddess: level 9999∞}

"Double crap...", even after that it said,

{This is a divine force, not a human, can only compute humanly titles, errors, can only compute humanly measures, other statistics are not available}

"Fuck..." I knew I was really screwed now, as I turned to look at my family and saw their surprised faces. "Think it's an error?" I said in a pathetic attempt to save myself.

Victor, the ever-reasonable one, finally spoke up and broke the silence, "Well that's one heck of an error then... um, how about trying again?" Finally, the first good thing to come out of this boy's mouth! "Yes, maybe I'll try again," I said uncertainly.

(many, MANY tries later)

I was hoping that it might eventually actually have an error and show low statistics but every time I tried the damn thing it always showed the same overpowered results. I sat down on the floor and curled up into a ball. At this point, I was tired and could no longer take it and out of frustration I murmured to myself, "So what if I have all these titles? These people will always hate me, or use me... ugh I wish I didn't have to go through this, oh screw the gods. And the worst part is with all my godly abilities, I can't even create a skill, to cloak my skills! What's the point, I hate this, I hate them, Fuck I hate this entire universe, what happened to living in peace. Alone, With just my maids and me. With no family. Yet look where I am now. Is this supposed to be a blessing..." At some point, I accidentally started saying it out loud but didn't notice. I just kept rambling on and on without noticing my family was listening, they mostly listened to me talking about how much I hated them.

I just kept rambling, not noticing that they were listening until my mother eventually spoke up and said, "Is... is that truly what you think of us..." As soon as she said that I turned to my entire family and saw the regretful and empathetic expressions on their faces. "I said that all out loud... didn't I." I sighed exasperatedly, burying my face in my hands. Victor, looking away in shame said, "Yes..." then he walked over to me, and knelt to my level, he then said, "Loila, please tell us the honest truth. Do you..." He looked as if what he was going to say next would mentally crush him, but still looked like he knew the answer, "Loila, do you... hate us?"

((AN: HAHAHA! Sorry, sorry, sorry it's just so fun to torture the people who once hated her and to see them so regretful. Even as the author it feels so good to see them suffer, yes, I am a very sadistic person, don't question it. Oh yeah just for your knowledge there will be more regretful scenes like this, not just with her family, oh no, all of them are going to suffer. HAHAHAHA! Oh yeah, one more thing I do this on Google Docs first then I copy-paste, so if you see random notes from other people just know they are either two things, 1. My 'advisors' or, 2. Commentators from my school)

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