Chapter 3- Harsha Vardan Sharma

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Mumbai, India

Harsha Vardan Sharma:

"you managed it, right?" he says as I entered into the room.

*cough, cough*

He is wearing a red shirt. Oh! Wait *cough, coug.... Ahhhhhhh!!* its white but turned red.

"Can you make him stop I am getting a headache listening to him" I said.

"Don't kill the fun man I just started here" he says and punches the man again and again and 🥱again.

And He died

"That's fast I thought you are having fun Jai" I say looking at him.

"Well, my dear friend said that he is getting headache so it's over" he says and tries hug me.

"Uh! Uh! no! no! no! I have a court hearing in an hour" I say stopping him before that filthy man's blood can touch me.

"So, what happened did you manage that case." He speaks

"don't worry police are not going find out that its your men who killed him" I say

"Good my men are clumsy these days they can't even kill a man properly. So could I borrow yours for some days" he says the last sentence looking at my assistant 'Amir'.

"No, you already stole my men and they are not even willing to return to me because of your hospitality and moreover Amir is not for sale" I say

*Cough cough*

We look back to Amir "sir you know I am here, right?" we continue our conversation ignoring him.

"Moreover, you are the king of Rajasthan, stop stealing my men and get your own" I say going out of the room.

I am a lawyer who work for Mafia. My job is to not let them get into trouble or getting them out of trouble. They are really intelligent to the outside world they look like CEOs of a company but only the people involved would know that they rule underworld. Well, my father is also one of them but I don't follow him. Well, that's another story.

So, coming back, I am lawyer who works for these companies and get them out of trouble and I own a firm. Well technically only partly. Mahira is my partner in firm.

"Are you ready" Mahira says when I came into living room.

"I am your opponent lawyer you shouldn't come with me" I say

"She is not coming with you. She is here for me" jai says buttoning his shirt

"Are you also coming" he nods saying yes "why?" I ask. "To watch the show that's going to happen" he winks at me as he goes past me.

I shake my head at his behavior. He maybe king and mafia boss but he still behaves like a spoiled brat

(don't tell him that I called him that otherwise 🔪🙂)

We reached the court and saw my father standing at the entrance. I nodded at Mahira and walked towards my father. But I didn't stop when I reached him, I walked past him to meet Mr. Chowdary my client today.

"Hello Mr. Bhargav" I greet him shaking our hands.

"We are going to win, right?" he asks

"don't worry everything is going to be alright" I assure him.

"I am sorry for letting you going against your father" he says

"I am  the only person who can go against him. Let's go inside" I say

"Hello Mr. Nikil" I hear Mahira greeting my father

I look back once to see my father fuming his anger towards me.

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