Pokemon Day Festival!

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(This episode isn't canon but I thought i should make an episode since February 27th is Pokemon Day)

"Wow! It looks so Awesome!" Ashton exclaimed as he and Blastoise stared in awe at the festival in the distance. There was loud music and bright lights coming from the festival and since it was dark outside, they could see the festival from really far away. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get going," Justin said as the three trainers headed towards the festival.

The Pokemon Day Festival is a festival that's celebrated world wide every year in a random region. Luckily, this year it was being held in the Hoenn Region, so Ashton, Justin, and Angela didn't have to travel. Ashton and Justin loved the Pokemon Day Festivals. They had been going to them since they were eight years old and have never missed a single one. Angela, on the other hand, had never been to one, so Ashton and Justin decided to take her with them.

After half an hour of walking, they arrived at the entrance to the festival grounds. They walked in and were amazed at all the booths. "Woah! It's even cooler than last year's Pokemon Day Festival!" Ashton exclaimed. He looked around with a look of awe on his face. He couldn't stay still and ran off, leaving his friends behind. "Blast!" Blastoise yelled before chasing after Ashton. "There he goes," Justin said while deadpanning. "Hey! I knew i'd find you here!" Justin heard someone call out. He turned and saw Toru, Leaf, and Toru's Charizard walking towards him. "Oh, hey Toru. Hey Leaf," Justin said while giving Toru a fist bump. "I'm glad you could make it. The festival wouldn't be fun if my best friends weren't here," Toru said. He looked around, but couldn't see Ashton.

"Where's Ash? He should be here since he's usually the most excited about this festival," Toru said. "He ran off," Justin said. "Typical Ash," Toru said with a sweatdrop on his forehead. "Well, atleast we're all here. What're we gonna do first?" Leaf asked. "Well, usually me, Justin, and Toru split up and check things out before we walk together, so maybe we should do that," Toru said. "Alright. We can walk around for a bit and meet up at the huge all you can eat buffet. If one of finds Ash, just tell him to meet us there," Justin said. "Alright! See ya Justin!" Toru said as he and Leaf walked off. Justin nodded. "Welp, guess it's just us. Let's go look at the booths," Justin said. "Okay!" Angela said excitedly. "(This is like a date!)" Angela said.

Ashton stopped running and looked at all the booths in amazement. "Wow! There's so much stuff! Rare Pokemon Exhibits, Shops, Collectibles! I wanna check them all!" Ashton exclaimed. He suddenly felt water spray him in the back of the head. He groaned and turned to see Blastoise glaring at him. "Oh, sorry Blastoise. It's just that I'm so excited! I love this Festival!" Ashton exclaimed. "Blastoise," Blastoise said with a forgiving tone.

"What a suprise! Hey Ash!" Ashton heard someone say. He turned and saw King and Misty. "King! Misty! You guys are here too?" Ashton asked. "Yeah. We have our own events and booths. We're just walking around for a bit and we saw you, so we came over to say hi," Misty said while she rubbed Blastoise's head. "Really? What's your event?" Ashton asked. "Just a Question and Answering for the media and stuff like that. Boring Champion stuff," King said. "And I'm doing a display of Water Types! You should come check it out later! Bring Blastoise with you too! I'd like to show him to people as well, if you don't mind," Misty said.

"That's fine with me. Sounds like it'll be fun, right Blastoise?" Ashton asked. "Blast!" Blastoise said with a smile. "Well, it was nice talking, but we gotta head to our booths now. See ya Ash," King said. "Right. See you later King," Ashton said. The two fist bumped and King and Misty walked away. "Well Blastoise, what should we do first?" Ashton asked his starter pokemon. Blastoise looked around for a minute before pointing at a booth with pictures of different pokemon hanging up. "Ooh, a Pokemon Photographer. Alright, let's check it out!" Ashton said. He and Blastoise walked over to the booth and looked at the different pictures. There were lots of different pokemon like Zigzagoon and Pidgey, but there were also rare pokemon like Dragonite and Snorlax.

Journeys of a Pokemon trainer Book 2: Adventures in Hoenn!Where stories live. Discover now