Chapter 4

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I wake up with my head on the ground and my feet on the bed. My back is somewhere floating in between. Damn. My neck is cramped.

And my arms are spread out like I'm making a legit snow angel like kids do. Only I'm trying to make a snow angel on my very flat, brownish-grey, carpet. Nice. 

No snow to be seen either. Huh. I don't know how my sleeping self was going to achieve that. 

I throw my legs to the ground and sit up. The bleak grey clouds seep through the curtains.

Damn. Another depressing day. 

A phone chime stirs me from my thoughts. I comb a hand through my hair, slump my arm on the nightstand, slowly inch it towards the phone. Click the screen. It's just a settings notification about the newest update. I close the notification. Stare at the screen. My lock screen.

She's smiling. It's been a while since I've seen her smile. Her hair is light brown, glinting gold in the sun. The bright sundress flows around her waist like subtle waves dyed vivid yellow against a sky full of clouds. 

A smile creeps at the corners of my eyes. She complained all day about how the dress was too bright, too noticeable. Every time a stranger came near, she stiffened like a rock. She said that she didn't have anything else for the weather, but I said that she looked great. She blushed. 

We laughed. Why are we laughing? She asked. I shrugged and said, I don't know, maybe it's because you look like a banana in that dress. I teased. She playfully punched me. I said it didn't do any damage. She punched me again. 

I get to my feet. Don't even bother going bathroom. Go straight to my laptop. 



Subject: Stuff.


No, that's not going to help.

I click the exit sign.

Close the laptop.



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