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-Tyson P.O.V-

(Three years later)

"Daddy! Where are the chips?" My little Carlitos calls out to me while I was working in my office.

"Look for them Carlos. There are in the bottom drawer" I hear the drawers open and close.

"Found them!" he scream out and I chuckle a little. He always had trouble looking for things. I continued working on some paper work , then I heard giggled and laughter from the other side of the door. I knew it was Carlos and his friend playing outside my door. I let it go until a object break and someone began crying.

I got up from my desk and open the door to see Carlos and his friend, Aspen, pushing each other.

"You broke it!" Aspen push Carlos to the wall and Carlos gave a growl.

"No I didn't!" He ran back to Aspen and push him down.

"Hey hey! Stop it you two!" I stop the two boys and pull them back.

"Mr.Lopez, Carlos broke my pot of gold." Aspen point to his small pot that had a few gold coin. Aspen was a Lepchaun and they really care about their pot of gold.

"No I didn't!" Carlos push to get close to Aspen but I push him back.

"Ok you two. Aspen, I think you should go and get your father to fix it. And Carlos, go to your room" I told them and Carlos growled and ran to his room.

Aspen left and I gave a sigh. It been hard to raise Carlos since Vanessa been gone. I bet she knew what to do.

I walk to Carlos room and knock. I heard some sniffle and the door open.

"What?" He answer and wipe his nose. I squat and look at Carlos eye to eye.

"Carlos, I know you have anger issue but you need to keep that in calm. You have great strength that nobody will ever understand. " I pull him in for a hug and I patted his back. He wrap his arm around my neck and sniffle again.

"I want mommy back" he cried out and it broke my heart.

"She will be back. Just not now." Carlos is three and he is very attach to Vanessa. And he really misses her. I do too.

"Ok. And daddy?" His little voice broke a little.

"What is it?" I back up a little.

"My hamster died" he pointed to his hamster cage and I saw Mr. fluffy lifeless body.

"We'll get you another. Just don't try anything right now. Now go get ready, we have visiters coming soon and I want you to look nice." He gave a small nod and left to the bathroom to take a bath. I went back to my office and continue to fill out the form for later meeting. For a while it was calm and quiet until my phone began ringing.

"Hello." I answer.

"Alpha Lopez? Will you come down here for a minute? We have some news"

"Sure, I'll be there in a sec." I hang up and I went to Carlos room.

"Carlos?" I open the door and he was siting down on his bed, watching TV.

"I'll be back soon. I need to go for a few minute into wolf academy ." He nod his head and I gave a small smile. We live a few mintues away from wolf land academy since it was only for student and royals who needed protection. We didn't need from protection so I build up a two story house for us to live in.

I went quickly to the academy and went into the building.

"Hello Alpha Tyson. Room 313" The front desk lady told me and I gave a small nod. I went up the stairs and found room 313 on the third floor. I walked in the room and gave a small sigh.

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