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Ding ding

Finally, school is over. And since it Friday, no practices for track or football. Give me more time to fix myself for the movie.

I ran out the class room and toward Jerry car. I hop in and turn on the radio.

"Good afternoon everyone! TGIF! Am I right? No school for two days for you kids and you get to PARTY! But mean while, it that time of the hour. Jay take it away."

"Thanks Jay, we have more news about the case of the wood murders. They find more evidence that it was no animal that is killing them but more of a human killer. They are searching for this killing and bring him or her to justice"

"Damn, how do you get here faster than me?" Jerry ask while he get in.

"I'm the cheetah, remember" my team mates call me that since I'm super fast.

"Whatever, ready for tonight date?" Jerry back up from the parking lot.

"Kinda, I'm nervous that I might mess up or make a fool of myself."

"Don't worry, everything going to be fine."

"It better, it my one chance with him."

I look at the window and watch the cars we pass by.

Once at my house, I ask Jerry for a ride to the theater and he said sure. I hop out his car and into the kitchen where I found Tom there.

"Hey cuz! How was school?" he ask while he was making a PB&J.

"Good" I mumble and get started on dinner for me and my brother.

I pull out the tomato sauce and some noodles to make spaghetti. I pour warm water and boil the noodle.

"Making dinner for you and Luis?" Tom ask.

"Yes" I respond and keep cooking.

"Why don't you talk with me anymore? We use to be best buds." he said and I could hear sadness in his voice.

"Because you started talking crazy things that made me uncomfortable" I respond.

"Like what?"

"Like magical creature that are just myths" I turn around and look at him.

"Magical creature are real!" he scream to me.

"They are not! It physical impossible for a horse to have a horn growing into his head. A human to grow fur and shift into a wolf and a person to have cold blood and live out their life by drinking blood. It not scientific possible!" I scream at.

"Fine! Believe what you want smarty but don't come crying to me if you get abducted by aliens or bitten by a vampire!" then he stomp out the kitchen.

"Whatever" I said and went back to to cooking dinner.

Both my parent grew me up to believe there no such things as werewolves, vampires, fallen angel and leprechaun.

Finally after finishing the spaghetti, I split it in two and took some to my brother room.

As usually, he was playing video games and wasting his time in front of the TV.

I went into my room and quickly finish my spaghetti so I could take a shower before the movie.

I wash my hair and rub soap on my body. Then I wrap myself with a towel and put on some under garment. I look into my closet and spotted the perfect outfit.

A light blue V-neck and a short white skirt that stop at my mid thigh. I put it on and it may be a little uncomfortable for me but it look good. I dried my hair and grab the curler to curl the bottom of my hair. After an hour of doing that, I put a little eye liner and mascara since my mom say it never hurts a little lady to put on a little makeup.

I look at myself in the mirror and see a whole beautiful girl. My shirt and skirt goes great for my pale skin and the mascara pop a little on my brown eyes.

One night Yeah

One more times

Thanks for the memories

Even thought they weren't so great

It taste like you but sweeter

One night

One more times

"Yeah? " I answer my phone.

"I'm outside already" Jerry voice comes threw.

"Ok coming" I put my phone in my purse and ran down stairs.

"Bye Judy! Bye Tuilo! See you later" I said goodbye to my aunt and uncle which they are just sitting in the living and watching TV

"Bye" they both said and focus back to the TV.

"Where your going?" Tom was standing in front of the front door.

"Out" I spat out

"Where?" he narrow his eye to me.

"Movie" i said

"Don't get attack or anything" he step aside and I open the door.

"Whatever" I roll my eyes and went to Jerry car.

"Took you long" he back up from the drive way.

"Sorry, cousin in the way" I strap myself.

"Well, you look good" he comment.

"Thanks, all for Frankie" I said smiling at the though of being with him.

"Just be safe and don't fool around with him. He may be handsome but don't let him between those legs of your" he laugh at the last part.

"Shut up. I'm not a hoe like you" I said laughing too.

"Whatever" he roll his eye and continue driving.

I look outside and see it already dark. It around 10 at night and I'm lucky my parent aren't here or I wouldn't have made it.

"We're here" he drop me off at the front of the theater.

"Thanks. Don't wait up. I'll gets a ride from Frankie." I said while getting off.

"Ok then, have fun my vanilla ice cream"

"Bye Jerry the Cat" I laugh and shut the door. Jerry drive off and I turn around. I spotted Frankie with a bunch of his guy friend and they were waiting in line. Perfect.

I started to walk toward them until I felt a hand on both of my shoulder.

I look back and see two pale couples holding onto me.

"Let me go" I struggle to get out but they had a strong grip.

"Is your name Vanessa?" the lady ask. Her voice sounded so mean and evil.

"Who want to know" I snap at them.

"Watch your tone. Your coming with us" the man said while him and his partner started pulling me back.

"Leave me alone" I tried to pull away.

"boreí af̱tó to korítsi ýpno méchri ti̱n epómeni̱ anatolí̱ tou i̱líou kai na ti̱n férei mazí mas" the lady whisper in my ear.

I knew it was greek but I couldn't translate it. Then out of nowhere, my whole body went numb and my brain was shutting down.

"May you sleep peacefully our fair princess" the man whisper before I black out.

Damn! What just happen! Keep reading for what may happen.





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