Inna voice

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Ugh. My head hurts. I open my eye to see darkness. I look around and see I was in some kind of warehouse.

"Ahhh, our fair princess has waken" I turn my head back and see the two couple that kidnapped me. They were standing in front of me.

I tried to get up but I was stuck. I look down to see I was tied by the hands and by my foot.

"What do you want with me?" I plead out.

I just wanted to go back home. I bet my aunt and uncle are missing me, or maybe not but still.

"Well princess, try guessing" the guy said to me.

"First, don't call me princess, that is werid to call a girl like me. And second, is it because you need money from my parent? My parents will pay anything just to have me back"

"Ok, I won't call you princess and we need no use for your worthless human money. It worthless for us" he spit out when he said 'human' as if it tastes nasty in his mouth.

"What do you mean human? Aren't you humans too?" I seriously hope he says yes.

"That for us to know and you to find out. But for now, we have you and your do great for us in-"

Bang bang

"What the hell! What was that!" The women yelled out while she cover her head.

"Damn mutts! They found us already! We need to leave now!" the man yelled. he ran off to who knows where while the lady toss me over her shoulder and ran behind the man.

Wow, this women is fast and strong.

I heard growl coming from around us but I saw nothing. It sound like wolves? But why would there be wolves here?

"Hurry mary! They gaining on us!" the man yell in front of us.

She keep running faster and faster while the growl were around us. Then something pass by the corner of my eyes.

"Watch out Jack!" Mary yelled and stop.

I heard a scream then I was drop to the ground on my side. It brought pain to my ribs and I couldn't move.

I open my eyes and saw a huge black wolf in front of me. My eyes pop with fear and I wanted to run away but I was still tied down.

"Go ahead and eat me. "I tell the wolf and cover my head.

I felt his breath in my hair and I felt fear and shiver going threw me. I waited for the wolf to do something but he never did. I lifted my head and saw the wolf look at me.

"What wrong?" I ask him.

He nudge his head to my hand and I lifted it up. He open his mouth and chew threw the rope. It snap open and my hands were free.

"Thanks" I thank him while he chew on the rope on my legs.

After it snap the rope, I got up and saw behind him. I saw four other wolves fighting off Jack while Mary body was already lifeless. There was no blood but you could tell she was dead since both her arms were cut off.

"Omg" I mumble.

I felt a bump behind my legs and I turn around. The wolf was standing behind me.

"What do you want?"

Why am I talking to a wolf? I bet he really doesn't understand me.

He nudge his head to his back and I knew what he wanted.

"I can't do that" I tell him.

Trust him I heard a voice in my head

I didn't know why but I trusted the voice. He nudge again and this time, I got on his back.

I grab tightly onto his fur and the next thing I know, he whoosh off .

I lean forward and close my eyes while the wolf was running. I felt the wind in my hair and I smelt fresh air. I open my eye and was surprise.

The sun was in the sky and the wolf was running threw the woods. Passing each trees and brushes.

"This is awesome" I scream out against the wind.

The wolf keep running to who knows where.

Trust him, he will keep you safe the voice from before tell me. It sounded like a small girl voice.

Who are you? I ask it.

I'm your inna voice. I'll help you in every way I can the voice said.

Ok, what should I call you?

Just call me misty

Ok misty

I heard growls around me and I look around the trees.

I saw four wolves coming out the tree and running behind this wolf.

"Run faster! Their gaining on us!" I yell to the wolf.

Don't worry, Their with him

Oh. I didn't know that.

The black wolf then started slowing down and let the other wolves catch up. Two brown wolf went beside him and it look like they were talking.

Yes, their talking about us misty said.

Us? But why?

Just wait she told me.

They were walking for about 30 minute until finally the black wolf stop near a huge tree.

"What going on?" I ask.

The black wolf slid me off and I stand up.

He whimper and nudge his head near the tree. I think it time for them to leave.

"Oh, you have to go back. Ok bye" I pat his head and I swear I heard it purr. Weird.

All four wolves left behind the tree and the black wolf left behind them.

"Bye" I wave and sat down.

Where am I going now? They rescue me but I don't know where to go know, I'm left alone in the woods.

"Hello again" I heard a deep voice. I look up and saw a shirtless guy standing in front of me.

"What ?" I ask in wonder. Who the fudge is this guy?

"Don't remember me do you without the black fur and paws?" He said with a smirk on his face.

"Huh?" Fur?Paw?

"Yeah, the fur and paw."

"It can't be. You not- a myth- not -" I couldn't say the word.

"A werewolf" he said.

I couldn't believe it. It not true. My mind was under too much wonder that it shut down. I lean back and pass out from the surprise news. Werewolf are real!

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