Chapter 1: First Day Out

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It was nightfall in the city of New York. The city lights lit up the city streets and buildings from below, as the guzzling cars drove through along the roads. Either going home or to work at their night jobs were where most of the people going.

But deep down, hidden in the shadows of the city. Lurked criminals, gang lords, and psychopaths with the mind of causing crime. Planning discreetly in compromise for what they were going to do.

But above the city alleys, a figure jumped from rooftop to rooftop. With agility on par with that of a spider carrying such grace as they flipped through the air. Making their way into the light revealed they wore a red and blue spandex with black web patterns resembling that of a spiderweb. Jumping through the air this person ran on top of ledge filled with gargoyle's perched on the edge.

???: "Tell me there is something better. Go ahead, try."

He casually thinks to himself as he ran towards the edge of the rooftop before jumping off of the edge and front-flipping through the air. Leaping through the air the man landed on top of a building before jumping off of the building and sky-diving down towards the street.

???: Yee-haw!

He yelled as he stuck out his hand and pressed his middle and ring finger down to his palm triggering his web-shooter as he swung through the air on his web line. Swinging his legs he landed on the side of a building as he wall-ran on the side.

???: "How I spent my summer vacation, by Peter Benjamin Parker."

He narrates as he ran pass a room on the inside of the building as a man with black hair cut to a high-top fade, with gray sideburns looked towards his window only to see a figure pass by, not bothered to even check as he crushed the newspaper in his hands that was written by the 'Daily Bugle'.

???: "I can sum it up in one glorious, hyphenated word."

He says as he jumps off the building and then swings through the air once again. Gaining enough speed, he released the web as he flew high in the air due to the momentum in which he was moving and swung through the air doing a back-flip.

Spiderman: I am the Spectacular Spider-Man.

He shouted as he shot another web line to a building before swinging himself up to the building of the tallest tower near him as he stuck his landing. As he landed, he looked down over the beautiful city of New York. The city lights illuminating the darkness of the city with its dazzling lights.

Spiderman: "Only one thing missing. It's my last night before school starts, and I could really go for some action."

He thinks as if on cue, or by some miracle. A store alarm rang through the air getting his attention as he looked towards where the sound was coming from. With that he slid down the building side where he was as he jumped off from the ledge. Free falling through the air as he positioned his body to fall downward like a bird. Building up speed, he used that to increase his swing as he shot a web-line to a building before swinging off towards the crime.

Crashing through the doors to an open rooftop. Two burglars ran out of the building with ski-masks on their faces to conceal their identity. They both had large bags filled with jewelry over their shoulders as they ran towards the ledge.

Burglar #01: Didn't I tell ya. One getaway jump to the next building and we're a million bucks richer.

The Burglar said as he took off his mask to look towards the other Burglar who took off his.

Burglar #02: This ain't no million buck haul. Not after the 'Big-Man' takes his cut.

Burglar #01: Ah shuddap and jump.

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