Chapter 3: Predator vs. Prey

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In the Thief of the night of New York City, Manhattan. Silent steps followed by in the darkness as crimes were committed by those who saw fit to fuel their greedy desires.

Sneaking into a bakery shop three masked men ran over towards the locked gate that was closed over the entrance to the shop. One of the men held a crowbar in hand as they used it to destroy the lock as they pushed the gate up. Quickly they opened the door to the shop as they walked inside and closed the door behind them.

Robber: Alright, grab all the cash from the register and safe. But don't destroy eat nothing. Mrs. M is my great aunty.

He told the other two as they ran inside with bags as they went over to both the cash register and the safe. Grabbing all of the money they saw as they stuffed it in the bags until they couldn't be filled anymore.

Spiderman: So you rob the piggy bank, but won't touch the cookie jar.

He quipped as he turned on his spider-flash as it flashed through the window getting their attention. As the men turned towards the window they saw him hanging upside down from a web.

Spiderman: You must qualify for nephew of the year. Twisted division.

Robber: Spiderman, get him.

He yelled for the other two to attack. Running outside they carried their crowbar as one of them went up to attack only for Spiderman to dodge the attack as he moved his head to avoid being hit.

Spiderman: 'Spiderman, get him.' Is that the best you got?

He taunts as he jumps off his web and onto the back of the robber before kicking him back as he jumped in the air. Flipping he landed on the ground as webbed one of the robber in the face blinding them as a flash occured behind him.

Spiderman: I go through all of this trouble to turn you in. And all I get is this. The least you could do is keep things interesting.

He said as he jumped above the robber he had webbed in the face before kicking him over to the other as a another light flashed when he did. Turning around he webbed at the last robber only for him to dodge at the last minute as the webs connected with a tray of pies. Pulling on them, Spiderman slammed the pies against the robber's face as he groaned with stuff in his mouth.

Quickly Spiderman jumped up to the side of the building as he ran up the wall before jumping off as he webbed the other two and pulled them against the lightpole causing them to hit their heads and fall to the ground as pie landed on their faces. Landing on the lightpole, Spiderman looked up to see the last robber tried to make a run for it only for him to shoot a web at the bottom of his feet as he pulled back making him fall face first.

Spiderman: You really have to do better.

He said before pulling on the web as well as the one connected to the other two as he tied them up to the light pole leaving them for the police. Just when he finished another light flashed behind him as he jumped away just in time as the police arrived to apprehend the robbers for their crime.

On the rooftop, Dekiru stood as he took another picture of the cops looking at the webbed-up robbers as he pulled back the camera to take a look at the scene himself.

Dekiru: Nice job on getting them done quickly. I timed you at least at 3 minutes and 30.

He said as Spiderman landed beside him before perching on the ledge of the rooftop.

Spiderman: Nah, it was alright. How do the pictures look?

Dekiru: Take a look.

He said showing him the camera as Spiderman browsed through the photos looking at each one.

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