Chapter three

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Vincent's POV:

"you're late- why do u look like that?"
Rody walked in looking and smelling like a wet dog.
"It's uh..raining outside Sir" replied the soggy man.
Rolling my eyes, i went to go grab a towel.

"Well, i thought if i pedalled fast enough i wouldn't get as wet..i was clearly mistaken."

"You think?" Rody smiled awkwardly, never realised how perfect his teeth were. Pearly white, guess i get the honour of seeing them often.

Dismissing the thought in my head, i walked back over to Rody and started drying his Hair.
His whole body clenched up as my hands slowly started to shift from his Head to his chest.

"Uhm!..i why are you doing this..?"
"i can't have you looking like this in my restaurant,what do you think the customers would think?" replied i.

"Yeah! bad sorry vince"

Again with the nicknames. Gosh, why does he have to make it so hard to hate him? i've been so cold towards him yet he still is Kind and bubbly towards me what is his problem?

"Don't let it happen again, and take my umbrella for the ride home."

"Oh no! i can't how will you get home?"
"i live here."
"like in the restaurant..?"
"No, Rody i live upstairs"
realisation flooded his face as he rubbed his hand behind his neck, chuckling softly.

"We'll dry up, We open soon."

The day went unsurprisingly well, Rody coming into the Kitchen then and again and having short conversations before i hurried him back to work.

"Hey Vince how are you?"
"Fine Rody, what about you?"
"Am doing great thanks!...Are you single?"

This was a rather odd question for one to ask, especially one of the same gender. Maybe he's just curious, or maybe...No he would never think about me that way.
Getting my head out of the gutter, i responded unsure of what he wanted my answer to be.

"Why do you ask?" I tilted my head looking directly into his eyes, trying to see what his true intention was.

"Oh! I was just wondering that's all! hah, well i wouldn't be surprised if you wasn't your a good looking guy bet you have all the lady's wrapped around your finger!"

Good looking? he's thinks am good looking? what the fuck? I mean, not complaining a man who has such gorgeous features as Rody calling me good looking is a compliment- But why?

"Well to answer your question Rody, i am single, and am not interested in dating a woman any time soon." I crossed my arms waiting for his reply.

He chuckled,
"That's a surprise thought you would've been dating!..not trying to make assumptions or anything hah.."

Giving him a reassuring look, i nodded slightly.
"That's okay Rody, well what about you?"
"Huh? what do you mean"
"are you single?"
"Oh! hah well i was in a relationship for quite a while but we ended it, it wasn't really a healthy relationship to be in."

Toxic relationship huh? well, if i was in her position i would've treated him right. But that's besides the point.
I need to know more about this relationship.

"So..what was this woman's name?"
"Manon, she is beautiful, i must say but looks can be deceiving."
Deceiving? wonder what he means by this.
"how so?"
"Well, i mean it just like we would always fight and argue, well that was only when i didn't have money to buy her nice things that is, you see she comes from a wealthy family so she expects expensive things..but i just couldn't feed into that lifestyle of hers."

it seems this manon wasn't really seeing him for himself just for money. Well if that was me, i would have been the one who was treating him to the expensive gifts.

"Ah, sorry rambled off bad"
"No worries, it seems you're lover wasn't seeing your best interests at heart"
"You could say that."

"Well, i'am...Sorry to hear that.Rody"
i placed my hand on his shoulder and walked into my office.
Rodys POV:

What just happened.
Vincent just- he just comforted me? I just- blurted all my feelings onto him and he COMFORTED ME? This shocked me to my core. I had to stand there for almost 5 minutes to process what just happened. Before i was even remotely finished i saw a group of people walk into the restaurant.

"Guess my thoughts will just have to wait" i sighed opening the doors of the kitchen greeting the customers.

The day was finished and i was exhausted to say the least, i got a lot of tips today even though i probably smelt like shit, and looked it but not complaining money is money.
i thought i'd stay back and help clean the place before i left, just so Vince doesn't have to do it all alone.
The rest of the time i was in there cleaning was silent until Vincent walked out of the kitchen with a plate, yet again covered in cling flim.
"Here you go Rody, some leftovers."
I smiled as i accepted the plate of food, i obviously knew it wasn't just 'leftovers' but he didn't need to know that.
"Thank you Vince!" i smiled before heading to the door.
"Don't forgot your umbrella, Rody."
Gosh why does he say my name like that, so cold yet calming and possessive- Uhm never mind..

"Oh yea, don't wanna repeat of today."
He nodded,
"Goodbye, Rody".
"Bye vince".

Hi everyone! just wanna say thank you so much for the support on my previous chapters, all feedback is appreciated sorry it took so long to make this chapter,but i will try to write the next chapter this week! Also, let me know if i should put smu...

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Hi everyone! just wanna say thank you so much for the support on my previous chapters, all feedback is appreciated sorry it took so long to make this chapter,but i will try to write the next chapter this week! Also, let me know if i should put smut in this book because i was planning on doing so but i don't really know!

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