chapter eight

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Rody's POV:
Unlocking the front door of my apartment, i threw my keys onto the small, wooden coffee table near by and slouched onto my couch.

Today was...Well eventful i must say. Vincent defended me from Manon? That's very strange since i thought he wasn't that kind of person but i guess i was wrong.

My mind then circled back to the other night, When i was at Vincent's house.

His messy hair, His gorgeous smile and how could i forget his che-...

No! snap out of it Rody...
These feelings aren't any i've experienced before, especially towards men. It's so wrong! but it feels so good.

Vincent out of all people though? I can't put my finger on it why him! He is Handsome, of course but...

My head was jumbled with all kinds of thoughts surrounding the Topic.

"Do i like Vincent?" i blurted out loud without realising. I quickly covered my mouth in pure shock.

Suddenly, my head started spinning all over the place, Everything everywhere going distorted.
Trembling with fear,I tried to stand up but my whole body was stuck to the couch like someone had superglued me down.
Everything started to fade into nothingness until it was all pitch black.

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My eyes flicked open slightly as i came back to reality. I had passed out on my couch.

"Ughh, fuck my head...wait what time is it?" I asked myself while looking at the clock.
The clock read 10:21am.

Oh shit.
Shit shit shit. Work started 5 Hours ago, am so dead.
I quickly started to get ready, Fearing for my life. This job was such good pay, i couldn't just be so sloppy with it.

I had finished getting ready and quickly Ran out the house. Jumping onto the seat of my bike i paddled recklessly down the street.

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arriving to Work, i quickly rushed in finding it...Empty? Shit did he have to finish early because of me? I feel so horrible. I ran into the Kitchen to be met with the present of the Humid air.

"Vince?" i called out loudly...but no Reply.
i started to panic a little. Where could he be? I went up the stairs from the back of the Bistro, which lead me to Vincent's apartment. Where'd i had visited before. I hesitantly knocks a few times.

The Door unlocked and to my shock it was Vincent! He looked like shit, but it was 10 in the morning i couldn't blame him.

"Rody? what are you doing here." He asked looking half asleep.
"Oh! i uhm... i slept in and-
"Why are you in work uniform, you know we don't work on saturdays right?" He raised an eyebrow eyeing me up and down.

It's a Saturday. Of course that's why nobody was in the Bistro.

"Ah, yea my apologies that totally slipped my mind i forgot it was Saturday."
He nodded slightly before opening the door wider.

"You may aswell come in since you came this far."

I couldn't really deny the offer, so i walked inside.
The place still looked the same as the first time he has came over but, there was a Photo frame placed on its front facing down near the window.

"Are you hungry?" asked vincent snapping me out of my gaze.
"ooh! yes iam." i smile. He nods and starts preparing breakfast.

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I walked over to the Breakfast bar and took a seat. Vince was preparing bacon and eggs which smelt amazing.

He then proceeded to give me a plate of the food and sit down next to me.
it was silent for a few seconds until he spoke.

"How are you today,Rody?" he asked making eye contact.

I couldn't help but hold the eye contact before i responded, his eyes were so...beautiful.
i quickly snapped myself back to reality.

"Oh, am fine what about you?" i asked smiling still holding eye contact.

"I'am fine, how's your food?"
"It's nice!" i say cheerfully.
He smiles slightly and starts to pick at his plate.

I couldn't help but stare at him, he is just so...

"Rody, why are you always starting at me?" He asked, with his eyebrow raising up.

i couldn't help but stutter on my words. What was i supposed to tell him? That i Like to romanticise about him.

I couldn't hide these feelings any longer. It was now or never.

I turn over to Vincent and grab his face, pressing his lips against mine. The thrill was amazing.

For a few seconds, he froze but then he started to kiss me back.

It was passionate, having to take breaks to catch our breath.

Then he pulled away.

"I-Uhm R-rody.. why did you do that!" he shouted.

"Because I love you, Vincent."

   ִֶָ ⋆: ✼ •• ┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈ •• ✼

Hii guys, am really sorry this chapter is really bad but the next chapter will be longer and better.
Also, thank you so much for the Reads i really appreciate it and all the positive feedback that i've been getting i really appreciate it! Thank u all! and i hope u enjoyed this ok-ish chapter x

authors note: forgot to put a goofy picture at the end so here ya go!

authors note: forgot to put a goofy picture at the end so here ya go!

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