Chapter 3

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                           DRRING DRRING, The last bell rang and it was time to get out of school, I was so happy . right when i was trying to walk to my car. I heard my name. " Hey Tiffany wait up "  Oh great there goes ashly wantig to move in with me. Hey Ash wats up, " nothing "have you forgotten you said that I can come to your place today." "Oh yeah I forgot  umm what about cathing a snack im starving" we went in the car and drove to Starbucks. I asked Ash what she would like. " I want a Chocolate Cokkie please" I smiled at her and went up to order.

      By the time I came back to the table. There was a guy at the table talking to Ash. I didnt want to interupt because the talk seemed pritty serious. so i just stood up waiting till he was gone. he rushed out the door like he was mad. i looked at Ash and her eyes were full with tears. I ran to her " Whats wrong" she looked at me, trying to say words but couldnt come out. i sat by her and she cryed on my sholder. I noticed people looking at us like we are weird but i didnt care because my freind was crying and that was no time to care for all the stuff. By the time that she was done we were alrady at my place. " Are you okay now " " yeah i am thanks for letting me lean on you" I gave her a little smile as i went in the kitchen to get her tea with honey because she was crying for a very long time and i figiured that she would need it.

           " Umm Ash, I thought about it," "Thought about what" she looked at me all puzzled. " you know about you moving in with me, i mean it does get lonly in here so i thought that maybe we can you know live here together. Ash looked at me with a big smile and stood up to give me a big hug " Aww Thank you, Thank you So much. Thank you a million time. Your the best Tiff" I couldnt help it but smile really hard because i Just made her in a good mood. After that She went on about how much she loves me. At first I was okay with it, and i told her i loved her too but it was kind of getting anoying so head upstairs. to take a bath. It was a long day.

           Kevin's P.O.V
                                   Josh........" wat " what do you mean what it's that all you can say, I called your name   " well you called my name and stayed shut for a very long time. I looked at him then started laughing. " dude you're sick " What do you mean i'm sick i didnt do anything wrong. " Whats up with you your really starting to kreep the heck out of me these days" why did he just say that what do you mean i'm creepy. i was jsut about to say somehing and you don't even ask what it is that i'm asking for Josh seriously thats how your gonna be. " i just did, didn't i"? oh was all i can say.  I was just trying to get on his nerve, you know it fun getting on Josh's nerve but not on his last nerves because if i did then he would wake every one in this dorm up. and plus i wanted to ruin his thinking time , that's when all he does is think about  Tiffany then after he is done thinking he would go on about her and how she is very beautiful and the way she did this and that.  He just doesnt get it. I'm not interested in  talking about her. It's not that i'm not intrested in her but you know she's my friend and i would like to protect her by just being friends with her. but the dude is crazy about her. that's why when ever we go up to her place he always askes who was their and is she is seeing any guy. He acts like he is her over protective father.

                             Tiffany's P.O.V

                                                   I woke up with the smell of Pancakes. which got me up from bed . I went downstaires into the kitchen. My eyes opened wide and i got out of the sleepy mode, because their was a plate of pancakes and strawberry with syrup. I went up to Ash and thanked her so much because i didnt have to me make breakfast. " Thank you, Thank you so much, I love you, a bilion times. " She laughed and told me to sit and eat because then I'd be late for my apointment.  I stoped for a while thinking about " The Apointment" I whispered to myself repeating those words. and relized i did have an apointment , a doctors apointment but how did she know. I turned around and asked her how she knew. but then she just pointed at the calender and then I relized that I had put it it on their so that i dont forget but, i'm such a  forgetful person,. I ate as quickly as i can then went back up stairs to dress up. i wore my favorie pair of skiny jeans with a yellow short sleeve shirt. I was halfway ready, I just needed to decide if i should put my hair up or if i should just leave it down. At the end i chose to leave it down. I went downstairs and grabed my car keys " bye thanks for reminding me Ash" I yelled out before heading outside.

               Josh's P.O.V
                                       As I opened my eye's, I tryed to get up to wash up. but I felt something heavy on my feet. I looked and I saw Kevin sleeping on my bed and seriously on my feet. " Kevin, get up dude it's morning weren't you planing on doing something" I said looked and waited but no reply. " KEVIN!" I yelled out and hit a pillow at him but still no answer. " Kevin?". Is he alright I wondered but then i saw a the idiot smiling enjoying what i was going through. " WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ABOUT" get you and your stupid self off of my leg and yuck you you drooled all over my leg.  " Opps my bad " was all he said and got up  to go to the bathroom. All i could do was nothing i just thought to my self when did i get a friend like this, he never lets me do anything. Right now i am this close to locking him in a tall builidng like Repunzle and never coming back for him with no food and no drink. " UGHH, this Guy i call my freind is a reall idiot.

                  Tiffany's P.O.V
                                          I was waiting in this damn waiting room for about an hour no one called my name. i even went back to the front to make sure if my apointment was today. My phone started to viberate, i checked who was calling and it had the name Josh right acros from my phone. I turned off the phone because i didn't feel like hearing what their problem was. the always talk about how each of them is doing this and that. it's like they come to tell on eacher only to me.   "Tiffany, Alexander" I heard my name and yes it was finnaaly my turn. " yes, is it my turn now." i said not trying to make my voice seem like i was desperate to go in already. We went inside and we did the usual things where they check my weight and height. and it's a good thing cause my weight was just the way i wanted it to be and i got a bit taller. a inch but it's still cool with me. then we went in a room. the nurse told me to wait till the doctor came. so here we go again me waiting in an empty room. " Nock, Nock" I hear a deep manly voice"  saw the doctor come in and damn he was so handsome. i smiled at him and said hey. he replyed to me . " i'm your new doctor, you can call me Dr. Evan's. Dr. Nick york, Evan's. He gave a little smile with it. then as I thought about it he looked so familer. My mind went of with who he looked like, then it poped into my head. .................. he looked like the Proffesor, he looked exactly like him. but that's wierd i don't supose that it could be him. Right?

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