Chapter 10

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Lucas's P.O.V

I got their, Mom was sitting next to dad, and Nick was standing, it looked like they already got started, but it didn't look good, because nick's eyes were full of anger. " What's going on " I interupted walking toward mom and dad. "Lucas It's good that your here" Dad stood up and gave me hug, he always does that. " THEY WANT US TO MOVE BACK TO SPAIN" Nick said out load with his anger voice, I was shocked. " What, What are you talking about, move back to spain?" I can't belive they want to go back their. " Why"? I asked " Why this all of a sudden." I said trying to calm my self, " It's just that you'r mom and I have decided that we shouldn't try to hide anymore" what Dad was saying didn't even make sense, " What do you mean hide,?" Nick said confusingly " Hide from what?" I asked " You two don't know this but, when we moved Here, we didn't just move because we wanted to move here, it's because something was going on" Mom said looking at dad in a wierd way, like they knew something we didn't know. " WHY DON'T YOU JUST TELL US WHAT IT IS" Nick shouted at them, and I knew that Nick hated being confused. " Calm down dude, Give them a chance to tell us." I said patting him on the back to try and calm him down. " Look, I know this might not make sense, but before we came here and became part of the crowed, we were people who were really importent. and we still are " Dad included trying to make us understand. but I was really confused. " Importent as in?" I asked."  " We own the biggest company in Spain, One of you guise are supposed to be the CEO of that company, right know ." Dad added on to his words, so he can make it simple and easy for us to understand. " What is this for real,  Owning a big company in Spain, and becoming a CEO" Nick said his anger face turning into a big smile. but I didn't want that. " Mom what is dad saying know, is this reall." I asked mom because I didn't want to be dealing with any business, I wanted to be me.

                            " Lucas, your dad is telling the truth" Mom got up from where she was and came towards me, looking me in the eye, which that made me know that this was no lie. " If this is true then can we know why we were hiding." I asked so that I can know all the details. " We were hiding because things were going on in the Company, and the thing was that, your grandfather, had made an arrangement which your father was against it." Mom said looking back at dad. " The arangement that he made was that None of his grandchildren would become the CEO of the company unless they get married to your dad's enemy's daughters once you reached the age of marriage. But then you'r dad was against it. which made many people mad because your dad had refused and when he did, our company was loosing power, and that made many people mad. so your grandfather sent us to the U.S so that he can find a way to settle the problem." Mom said. " So why do we have to go back now." I asked " Because your grandfather has settled the problem," Dad added I got quite, before I could have said anything else Nick asked what the the settlement was, Dad was about to answer but mom said something first. " They decided that only one of you gise will get maried to Recardo's Daughter. So that at least we can keep our power,"  " Then who will that be" Nick asked. I waited for mom and dad to answer, to see who that will be, I knew this whole thing didn't make sense but since it didn't seem like a dream, I had to hear the rest of this conversation.

                " Lucas, It's you lucas who will be getting married to her and become the CEO of our company," Mom said looking up at me like it was something that didn't bother me. " WHAT THE HECK, WHY ME, WHY IS IT ME THAT HAVE TO GET MARRIED!"  I said, as angrly as I can because this was something that I don't like at all, I just hate it. " Look it's ok Lucas, don't worry. it wouldn't be that bad." Nick said coming up to me with a smile, while i was still burning with anger and of course he would be smiling because it's not him who had to give up everything and marry a girl he doesn't even know. " I don't like this at all, this isn't right Dad" I told dad so that he can understand me but all he did was apoligise. " I'm not exepting this" I said trying to calm myself down and walked out of the house because I just wanted to get away. I heard dad's voice behind me trying to stop me, but I didn't want to stop, i just wanted to go to my  place,  i stoped to listen to what dad has to say.

                          "  Honey look, you have no choice, you have to do it, we can't stay here forever, you know, we have to go back to spain." Dad said " But dad what about me, what about my choice, this is not about you gise, it's about me."   I said. " Honey, you know that this isn't something I would ever do to you, but that company is something really important to our family, We didn't want some one childish to be the CEO of the company, so we chose you, your grandfather called and said that it was our choice to choose which one would be the one to be the CEO. And you know it's such a great opportunity." Dad said  " Dad you know, their is a girl I really like, and I know I didn't care about dating or falling for someone back then but now this girl I just want to be with her, I want to be a Professor just like I am right know. " I told dad but to me it didn't look like he understood me so he just told me to think about it and went back inside.


                                        I went back to my place and saw a car parked at my Garage, And  by the look I knew it was Tiffany's car, I wondered what she was doing her. As I got out of my  car I saw Tiffany getting out of her car with a big smile on her face, " hey" I said to her like it was something normal. " Hey" she replied with her beautiful smile " Look I know you might be wondering what I'm doing here at this late hour, it's just that I wanted to thank you and treat you with something" She said as she came closer to me. " no really you don't have to thank me, but since I hear a treat I think I might be interested in what it would be" I said to her with a smile. " Great, so choose any treat you would like" She said once again but as soon as she said that it started to rain. I told her that we should get inside quickly but instead of listing to me she started laughing and danced in the rain all childish. I went to get her and asked what she was doing but by then  she grabbed my wrist and got some water from the puddle and splashed it at me. then I splashed some at her then we kept on doing that, till she ran and got some mud and threw it at me. I chased her, and grabbed her from the waist. right when I did that, My heart raced looking her in the eye, made me feel tempted. I want to kiss her, but I was trying so hard to stop my self from doing that but before I knew it my lips were already on hers and she was kissing me back. I couldn't stop, so I went from the lips to her neck, I felt the rush, that was going through me, and it was getting hot for some reason, even though it was raining.

        Tiffany's P.O.V

                              " Lucas " I moaned I tried hard not to but it was too much tempting. " He kept on kissing me from the neck, then I felt something warm under my shirt, and I realized it was his hand. I tried to pull away from him but he held me tight. " We should stop" I said pulling away from him. He stopped and looked at me. " We shouldn't be doing this" I said and walked away from him towards my car. He came after me and grabbed my Wrist, catching his breath. " Why" he said looking into my eyes. " Lucas, You already know why, and plus that was a mistake just forget about it." I told him, but honestly I knew I like him, and when ever he comes close to me, I feel as if he is just someone I can't resist. " How is it a mistake when this is the second time." He said, But I didn't know what to say after he said that. " Tiffany, I know you might not know that but, I really like you, and you drive me crazy." He said to me with truth in his eyes. " But, you know we can't be together, you know that it's against it and that you would get fired from your job" I told him. " He pulled me towards his body, which left no open spaces at all, " I don't care, as long as you are mine" He whispered to me calmly, and embraced me. " He whispered to me one more time and asked me is I feel the same way. I knotted letting him know that I felt that way too. We embraced in the rain for a very long tome, which that made me think of a beautiful poem. 

Incapable in words

Frozen in place

I'd lived gently in the eyes of the world

In a rainy night I dreamt of you embracing me in your arms

I'm enable to hold my Intensity

I don't mind getting caught in clown pour

I don't mind getting soaked to bones

I see you splashing in the water and fading away into the mist of rain.......

I knew that this moment may not last but as long as me and him were together, I didn't mind getting soaked in the rain, at all, I just loved it that he feels the same way about me.

My heart belongs to a strangerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt