Chapter 8

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Lucas's P.O.V

I didn't want to disapoint her like this, she looked disapointed through out the whole time while she was driving. " Get off" she said to everyone . she eyed me and gave me a little sign with her eyes to stay in the car. Everybody got off, and I stayed their. she looked at the rest of the people walking away from the car and going their own directions. " I'm sorry about that," she said looking back at me. you don't have to I said but before I could finish she cut trhrough " yes, I do need to apoligize, you know my friends, they must have bothered you two having a conversation" I let out a laugh " what is it, am I saying something wrong" she said looking at me confused, " No, no it's not that, it's just that your freinds did me a favor, you don't have to apoligize because when they came I was already into doing that. I told her, she closed her let out a frustration look asking again " what, why would you be into doing that. " Well it's just that the guy pissed me off, and I couldn't hold my anger. she laughed looking at me with her beutiful eyes. " I never knew you were like that," like what I asked her. " You know violent, I know you get mad early but, ranging out like, that, it's just unexpected, you know. " why, dont you like it" I asked she stoped her eyes on my eyes. " Mysteriouness? , I like it" she whisperly said, as I slowly moved toward her, and placed a soft kiss on her lips. I couldn't help my self, but she kissed me back lightly, then she stoped. I stoped aswell relizing my mistake. " I...... I'm sorry, I didn't ........" I tried to apoligize, but then she stoped me and told me that I should go. " yea, sure" I said as I got off the car "Thanks for the ride" I said before shuting the door. I waited till she drove off, went in my car, and drove away.

Tiffany's P.O.V

" Hey, why are you so late" Ash asked as I enetered the house. " Oh.... um no reason" I said walking towards the couch," what are you doing" I asked, "Watching a korean drama, which you forgot about. She said " Oh, it's on, I though they were putting it on next week. I replyed sitting down next to her " No silly , of course not, they were doing it tonight." It's ok I'll watch it now, you could have recorded it though, I said as i pinched her, " OW", whats that for" you didn't record it for me. " So , it's your fault anyways, what were you doing out their that late wasting my gas." Nothing anyways, what drama, are you watching. " Playfull Kiss, Oppa Kim hyun Joong is starting in it." Really, thats's so great I said as we started watching it. I was really intrested in this drama but, for some reason it made me think of Lucas. I tried to stop thinking about what we did in the car, because it wasn't something that was ment to happen. " Tiffany what's wrong, you okay" Ash said looking at me worried, " Oh umm no it's nothing, Can you drive me to school tomorrow, Ash" I asked because my car wasn't still here from where ever they took it, I was using Ashe's car today. " Umm, yeah why not of course I can,. " I gave her a thank you smile and we went on watching the drama. "

It was getting late and the first episode ended. I wanted to know what would happen next. it made me feel good because by the time it was getting late, I almost forgott about Lucas, except till I went on my bed, I remebered the scene. it was such a great one, but it just wasn't with the right person. I liked it, I really did, but the thought of me making out with my proffesor was scary, just too scary. ( Phone Ringing) " is it crazy that i told my ex to call no more, cause im in love, is it crazy, that i say your name more times a day then i say my own, tell me baby is it crazy" I heard my phone ringing, it was Lucas, I decided not to answer because, I wasn't intrested in what he was about to say. I turned off my phone and went to sleep.

Lucas's P.O.V

She wasn't answering the phone, I didn't even bother to think of why because I had some grading to do, I went on with my work, till late at night. I was getting tired and eveything, but in order for me to free my schedual is to get rid of these papers on my desk. I tried drinking so many Coffee but it wasn't working at all. By the time I knew it it was moring and I had no sleep at all, I felt tired and sleepy, ( Phone Viberating") I had a phone call to answer before I went into the bathroom, to take a nice warm shower. I checked who it was and Guess who it was, My mom , and the only time she calls me is when their is a family meeting, I'm really not her favorite one, Nick is for some reason She thinks i'm too disobediant when they truth is that she never excepts my kindness.

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