Chapter 13

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Tiffany's P.O.V

When I went outside to the parking lot it was all empty except for my car. I was expecting to be with Lucas. But I guess he has things going on with his mom and him. I got into my car and drove off. As I drove the car my phone rang and it was Lucas.

Lucas: Hey sweaty

Me: Hey, what you doing

Lucas: Nothing I'm just heading home,

Me: Oh

Lucas: Whats wrong you don't seem happy

Me: What do you mean it's just that we haven't seen each other today

Lucas: Where are you

Me: Why?

Lucas: Just tell me I want to know.

Me: I'm at home

Lucas: Why are you lying to me

Me: How can you tell

Lucas: Because I can see your car

Me: Now your lying Lucas

Lucas: No I'm not, slow down and scroll your window down.

At first I was I thought he was lying to me but then I scrolled down my window and their he was smiling and waving to me in his car. It didn't last long because I had to keep on driving.

Lucas: Why did you drive away

Me: Because we were in the middle of the road

Lucas: So your going to leave you man in the middle of the road and drive away.

Me: Lucas come on then what did you want me to do.

Lucas: You could have at least wave back to me

Me: Are you mad

Lucas: yea I'm mad

Me: are you going to forgive me

Lucas: Only if you have dinner with me tonight

Me: Deal what time

Lucas: Right now, at Pizza Hut

Me: Deal

I hung up the phone and drove to Pizza hut, I was so happy to see him but then I realized that I wasn't dressed properly. I was going to drive away, but then their was a knock on my window, It scared me at first but then I saw him. I scrolled the window down and greeted him with a smile." Why aren't you coming out." he asked me. I smiled and opened the car door. We walked in there together,. He told me to wait at the first table, while he went to order. I sat their for awhile , then he came back with a box of pizza and two Colas' in his hands. He placed it on the table and before he sat he placed a kiss on my lips. I bit my lips and looked at him. "What's wrong can't I give a kiss to my girlfriend. " Lucas, why are you keep on making me feel this way." I said and he stopped smiling " You don't like it when I give my heart to you. he said I laughed and told him to stop being so cheesy. but inside I loved it.

After we were done, he followed me to my place and watched me as I got off my car and get in the house. I watched him through the window, as he drove off our parking lot. I went up stairs to see What Ashly was up to. I knocked on her bedroom door, but no one answered. I opened the door to see what she was doing, but she was already sound a sleep. So I slowly walked to my room, trying hard to not wake Ashly up. I went into my room and jumped on my bed. I couldn't stop thinking about Lucas he was just too handsome, that's why ever since me and him started dating I couldn't stop thinking about him.

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