Chapter 4

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"So, how's it going" he said and set on the side of the desk. I couldn't' help but think about how good looking he looked with that doctor suit. "Oh umm I'm good" I replied with a stuttering voice " can I ask you something" I didn't care if he was a doctor I have to ask him if he really is the proffesor so I stupidly asked if he recocnized me from somewhere like any where maybe are you my professor. He gave me a little chuckle and said "that's funny I though I was the one to ask the questions here" I apologised then he added that he was no proffesor he'sjust some random guy in a doctor suit, pretending to be a doctor. I gave him a look that said seriously. He laughed and said that he was joking. I laughed along with him. Right after he finished laughing he had a serious look on his face and said that we needed to be done with this so let's get to work. He asked me some few doctor questions then we were done with my check up .right before we went out the room he said that he was just subbing for my doctor and that he hopes to see me sometimes and get to know each other. I gave him a laugh like what the hell he just met me and he already wants to get to know me more. "Why , I asked " he stood up a replying I don't know maybe someday we'll meet again" giving me a charming smile and walking out the door. "Well that was weird I thought while getting back to my car.
I drove off then it started to rain. I passed a couple blocks then it started raining really hard. I felt so happy I rolled down the window so that I can feel the rain and smell it. I know that seems weird but I just love the rain it let's go of all my stress and everything else that I worry about. KRREEK! a noise came from my car,that made it stopped driving. "No no no no come on don't stop on me now, not the best timing" ughh .I went off the car to check the back, but I didn't see anything wrong then I checked the wheel and wow amazing my wheel was busted and now i was stuck in the middle is nowhere. I waited and waited inside my car for some car to pass by then my car started having some gas oder which I couldn't take it. I looked outside of my car a just my luck lighting hit my car. Right now i'm not joking I checked my phone and there was no server . I was literally this close to crying till a car came by. "Stop, please I need help my car is broken" I yelled out right when the car almost passed by it stopped. I was relieved. A tall guy came out the car with a white button up shirt, he came not even looking at me but the car examining it "wats up with this" he said then looking up at me. I was shocked because it was another guy who looked just like my proffesor. I was soaked wet and this guy or I should say " his look alike" kept on appearing in front of me. " it got strucked by a lighting" " oh and what's wrong with the wheels" " I don't know what happend to it, I was driving and it stoped , I think something poked it or something" He didn't change his face expression and got his phone out talked a few times then hung up. " can you fix it, or am I going to be stuck here." I said with worry " I called some people who can fix it, They'll come and pick it up you mind waiting" seriously I really have to wait, I was planning on going home and watching my korean drama's " yea , I don't mind" I said but honestly I was lying, I'm hungry and I came out of the house since morning and the only thing I ate since morning was Pancakes, not even a single drink. " Are you going to stay out here and get soaked wet." I heard him say What's their to worry about I'm already wet, I feel like I pissed on my panties. He walked to his car and I followed him. his car smelled so good, It smelled like some kind of colons. I think it's chanell # 5 the thing smelled so good that I was not willing to get of the car his car was warm and comfty. I liked it, plus it looked so expansive. This guy must be some kind of Billion air. after all he did own a alfa romeo car.

" Did you get your stuff from your car" he asked " No, should I go get them" " If you never want to see them then sure you can leave them in their" I got off the car and grabed my bag and some mail I got from this morning since I had nothing else in their" oh I almost forgot my oppa bear. His my stuff bear I call him oppa. I closed the door of my car and went back to his car. I went in and asked what will hapen to my car. " The people I called will get it and fix it, we just have to wait for them to come and take it." He said and looked out the window " Their they are Be right back" I saw him get off the car and wait for those people to come out of the car. " I wonder if i have to get off the car, He didn't say to stay in th car". I looked at them one more time and saw him coming this way. " that was quick" I said befor he set down on his seat. " Wasn't I supose to pay for it i asked. " Don't worry I paid for it" " But why, We don't even know each other and yet you pay for something like that" I asked as I was heated up because I don't like people doing things like that for me. " what do you mean we don't even know each other" He said with a deep mumbling voice. I wondered if he knew me. " Do you know me or something. " I asked. He let out a chuck, Can't believe you don't recognize your own Proffesor. I rushed looking his way " WHAT!, PROFESOR YORK" Yea I recognized you so I though why not help out with your little problem." I laughed like I was some crazy phsyco. " Are you seriously playing with me, Because at first you were my profesor then you were my doctor and now you are my profesor, what's up with that cause I think you are trying to drive me crazy. " What do you mean Doctor, I'm no doctor , I think you are talking about my brother Nick, he's the doctor and i'm the profesor. He talked as he head no expresion on his face, with me I was shocked and I shockingly asked if he had a twin Identical brother. " Yea, I do anyways where am I taking you, To the dorms or you live somewhere else. With him changing the subject right away I knew he didn't like taking about his brother much. " I live in those apratments close to the dorms, I said. He made a right turn and stoped. We were already their. " Thanks, " I said while getting of the car. I walked to my place, looked back and his car was still their.

I looked through my bag to find my keys but it wasn't their, I remebered I forgot it in my room. I would use the extra key but I gave that to ash, So i knocked on the door, but no one answer. " What on earth is she doing not opening the door, All the lights were off. I didn't know what to do. " How come you're not going in" I heard a deep voice say. I knew it was Proffesor York. " I looked back and gave him a smile. I forgot my keys inside, you mind letting me use your phone" He agreed , so I walked back their and used his phone. I called ash, had to wait a few seconds till she answered. " Hello" I heard her. " Ash Are you at home" "No, sorry , I had things to do and i'm staying over at David's place. " what do you mean how do you expact me to go inside now i forgot my keys inside and you want me to sleep outside or somethig. I yelled at her not trying to hold my anger. I took a deep breath and apoligized " I'm Sorry, I'll figur out a way, have fun a David's place bye Luv you. I said and hung up. " you okay" Proffesor said " yea, I guess I'm sleeping out here tonight " I said giving back his phone with a depressed face " come on" " What"? what do you mean by that. " If you don't mind you can stay over at my place and I'll give you a lift to school Tomorrow. He said. I was kind of nervous because he was my proffesor and I was going to his place to spent the night. Wow , What a long day I said to my self as i got on his car and we drove off.

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