Chapter 5

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taking so long to get their, I stayed quite for such a long time. He kept on driving without talking. It was still raining really hard, and I was wet from all over. " I'm sorry for bothering you so much" I said to him " what do you mean bothering me, you're not a bother at all, I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do" He's not so bad after all, I said to myself and smiled. " Thanks" was all I can say. " So, did you do your homework" He said it like he was in class, asking me for my homework. " No I didn't do it, I'm sorry I didn't have time to do it." I added that  I'll do it later. " Okay, that's good, I thought that you would be the kind of student's who wouldn't do a thing for class" I laughed as he said that. " why would you think that way, do I really look like those kind of students." He looked at me and said " Nah, I guess my eyesight ware wrong"  he said with a smile on his face, while looking at the road. " are you cold" he added. " No, I'm just wet." He glanced at me and told me not to worry because we were almost here.

                                   His car entered his garage without me even recognizing it. I kind of fell a sleep while he was still driving. His garage looked like a house and I was amazed just by looking at it. " you Awake" I heard him say, I looked his way and nodded at him with a small smile. I watched him getting off the car. " Aren't you getting off as well" he said coming my way opening the door. I stepped out of the car, that's when I started feeling the chills. I followed him inside, " Stay here I'll be back" he said going up the stairs. A few minuets later came back holding  something  white and two pairs of something  navy. He handed it to me saying " Here wear this and try on both pants to see which one fits., and the cloths  your wearing are  drenched wet, I'll wash it for" he said  Thank you, "  what about you,you're wet too" I added. It's not that I was saying it with concern it's just that he came went upstairs, coming back still wet. " I'll change too he said," But where will I change I told him. Theirs a dressing room, in that hallways to the right. I knotted trying to let him know that I was thanking him once again, and went on to the hallway, so that I can change.

                    I stared dressing, starting with the button up shirt. I slid it on me. it went up to my knees, then I was going to put on the pants but it was too big on me then I tried the other pants. it was passed my feet. and the waist was too big that it kept on sagging. I was going to let it be till I tripped and the whole pants came down." Are you okay in their" I heard him say. " Yea, yea I am. "Did it fit you well" He said again. Yea it did fit "thanks " but the pants didn't fit, do you have a smaller size I added. " I'm sorry but this is the only size I have. He said as his voice seemed closer like he was right next to the door. " It's okay" I didn't want to bother him much, I mean he was tall and did have a manly posture,  I knew that I wouldn't be able to fit  on his clothes. I got the pants off of me and just stayed with the button up shirt, even though it was only up to my knees. I had no other choice then that. " I yelled out the dressing room asking him a question. " Professor York where do I put the pants and the wet cloths" He yelled back just leave it in their I'll pick it up latter, and by the way since we are not in class call me Lucas" I repeated the name to myself, trying to see if it feels right calling him by that. but I don't see him that way, I'll try it out anyways.


          Did I just tell her to call me by my name, What am I thinking, I mean I barley know this girl and she already drives me insane. it's not like I'm falling for her, right?, it's just that just seeing her makes  my mind unsettled . I don't even know why I'm like this. I was in the kitchen making dinner. " where are you, she said with her beautiful voice, "In the kitchen" I replied to her. " where's the kitchen" she asked me again"  go straight from the dressing room then their is a dining room , enter the dining room, the enter the left corner. I gave her directions hoping that she would understand. I waited for an answer but their was no answer, so I went on with cooking. " hey, what you cooking" I heard her again, making me stop what I was doing and looked behind me. she was standing at the kitchens door. with the button up shirt I gave her. The sleeves were long on her. I couldn't stop looking at her till I realized that she wasn't wearing any pants and the shirt was just up to her knees. I looked away right away and asked her to have a seat without making her relies how she is making me feel right now. she had her hair up with showed her neck, it makes me want to go up to her and just grab her, placing a kiss all around her neck. I'm seriously trying to control myself, " I'm making spaghetti and tuna salad"  are you okay with it, I asked her, looking her way once again. she gave me a smile. her small smile made my hear skip  beat like literally. " Yea, I'm okay with it." since I was done I told her that I'll go and set up the dining table " can I help" she asked. sure was all I said and walked out. she followed me to the dining area. We got it ready and got the dishes on the dining table. We sat down and started eating. I was happy seeing her eat, I knew she was hungry because in the when she fell a sleep I heard her stomach growl. " It's yummy she added like a four year old girl. You like it, I asked she knotted her head and kept on eating. I didn't want to seem like a freak so I stopped watching her and started eating. We finished eating and she volunteered to washed the dishes, " I'll wash she said as she got up picking up the dishes, no it's okay I'll do it, I told her. " no it's okay, I want to help out she said as she picked up some of the dishes and went into the kitchen. I picked up the rest, and settled it on the counter, I'll help too I told her, I'll dry them.

        She started washing as I dried the dishes. when we were done, I put some away and she was putting the rest away. But she couldn't reach. I looked at her doing her best trying to put it away. she looked so adorable on her tiptoes.  but the shirt she was wearing  started showing her thighs and made me not almost resist, her waist as well was so irresistible so I grabbed it from her and putted away " thanks she said again. she kept on thanking me, and I didn't like that, so I just started wiping the counter, while she cleaned the stove. we were done,. I was glad that we were done because then I finally got to control my self.  at one point I thought  to myself what am I thinking I'm her professor, and I cant think like that to my student. even though she was really, really  beautiful.


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