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So Hee's Perspective

Everyone was so shocked to even utter a single word until KK exclaimed "I dare you to utter even a single word against her now, and I'll choke you on your tongue and then snap your neck before you know it!" Namjoon and Jungkook rushed to free Yoongi from KK's death grip; however, he didn't budge, I knew he was angry, and I was too, but it was not the time to be violent, so I stepped in to calm him down, but what Jungkook said next, boiled my blood to next level, "See, this is what I was talking about, see, he fucking chocked him in front of us all, God only knows what they'll do if we are alone with them!

I slapped him hard across his face, I refused to hear any sort of bullshit against my friends, "For fucks sake! Stop cornering us! We do not intend to hurt you guys! What he did just now was not right, I know that, but you should also understand, he did it out of impulse, just like you, he was trying to protect me! Look just like Rose, PP is shaken too, just like you, I too am hurt, I also do not trust you guys, but I am trying, I am trying to move forward, to save all of US from the tragedy that has befallen upon us! I am trying to move forward as a group! And what are you, a kid who can't defend himself against a girl?" The room fell silent, the echoes of my words hanging heavy in the air. The tension was palpable as everyone processed the intensity of the moment. Yoongi, freed from KK's grip, straightened his disheveled collar, shooting a defiant glance at Jungkook.

Namjoon intervened, his voice firm, "Enough! This isn't helping anyone. We need to focus on the task at hand. So Hee, your plan is approved. Choose your team members for the reconnaissance mission. The rest of us will continue analyzing the clues. And that's an order!" "No Namjoon! If they want to know my reasons then fine, I provide them with that, in return I ask only for them not to question our loyalty anymore." I said determined to settle this matter for once and for all! Yoongi and Jungkook both exchanged glances but did not utter a single word, hence Namjoon motioned us all to take our seats. As we settled back into our seats, the atmosphere in the room remained charged, but a mutual understanding lingered beneath the surface.

 I took a deep breath, gathered my thoughts, and started, "First of all, just to clear it yet again, we do not intend to ever stab any of you in your backs, we met by fate and we intend to follow it. As for KK and PP tempering with the security, the sole reason for it was to keep their identity concealed, and to protect me, but never to harm you guys, we explained it all to Namjoon. Secondly, I was born in Wonju, I would not lie, but we moved away when I was nine, nothing else, and about the factory, my dad owned it, but he sold it before we left for Thailand. The third thing I would like to clarify is that I did not want KK or PP to come along with me cause, these idiots are way too much of a distraction and are not that trained for combat, their expertise is in the field of computers and psychology, whereas I trained myself for the on-field things.

Everyone listened attentively, their gaze unwavering except Jungkook, who had been skeptical from the beginning, crossed his arms, still not fully convinced. "How do we know you're not making all this up? It's convenient, isn't it? You conveniently have this dark past that just happens to coincide with the mess we're in." I sighed, frustration building up. "I get it, it sounds like a dramatic plot, but I can't change my past. If I could, I would erase those memories and live a normal life. But we're not living in a drama, and I can't rewrite my history. All I can do is deal with the present and work towards a future where we all survive.

Yoongi, though still skeptical, leaned back in his chair, contemplating my words. "So, what's your plan for the reconnaissance mission? And who's going with you?" I nodded, appreciating the shift in focus. "I am not so sure as to whom to choose, I am still new to you guys and don't know much about your strengths and weaknesses, so it would be better if you guys suggest someone. We would need someone agile and quick. As for the plan, we'll scout the area, gather information, and get a sense of what we're dealing with. We won't engage unless absolutely necessary. The goal is to come back with intel that can help us strategize." Yoongi, still eyeing me warily, spoke up, "If we're sending someone with you, they need to be able to handle themselves. Jungkook, you're good in close combat, right?" Jungkook, still not entirely convinced, grunted in agreement. "Fine.

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