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So Hee's Perspective

As the obnoxious blare of my alarm rudely interrupted my peaceful slumber, I begrudgingly peeled my eyes open. With a reluctant glance at the window, I realized my eternal struggle with drawn curtains had struck again - the sun, like an overenthusiastic morning cheerleader, had invaded my room. For the fifth time this month! Let's just say my curtains have seen more neglect than my unfinished assignments.

Summoning all the energy my groggy self could muster, I silenced the alarm and stumbled towards the window, squinting at the intrusive sunlight. Note to self: curtains are not just for decoration.

After a swift curtain closure, I confronted the disaster on my head, a.k.a. my hair. A hasty ponytail was my go-to solution for the short-hair chaos. Then came the crucial decision of switching on the geyser - a battle between comfort and lingering warmth beneath the covers. Spoiler alert: warmth won.

With a strategic coffee machine setup, I indulged in the morning rituals - a blissful toast slathered in butter, a steaming cup of coffee, and a token apple to convince myself I'm acing this whole 'adulting' thing.

Skipping the first half of college, I trusted a classmate to cover my academic truancy. Back home, I dove into a whirlwind of catching up, homework, and domestic duties. Multitasking my way through, I marveled at the wonders of productivity - or at least my attempt at it.

Dinner marked the finale of my pre-work rituals, and with a satisfied belly, I geared up for the night shift. Jimin, ever the harbinger of information, forewarned me about the subdued crowd - a fallout from yesterday's saga. Ah, the perks of drama, making even the nightlife less chaotic.

And finally after a day that felt longer than the line at a K-pop concert, here I am, prepping for my grand debut on the Black Syndicate mission stage. And let me tell you, if nerves were currency, I'd be rolling in anxiety riches right about now. Yep, I'm practically shaking in my boots, but you know what? I'm not about to let fear get the best of me. Oh no, not this girl! Sure, I might be a tad bit anxious, like a cat on a hot tin roof, but I'm also feeling pumped up and ready to rock this mission like a boss! Bring it on, world! So Hee's stepping out, and she's not backing down from any challenge, no matter how daunting it may seem. Time to show 'em what I'm made of!

The clock struck 11:15 pm, and I, having just concluded my role as the bartender, stepped into the gang's weapon room, just as I was directed to, and thanks to the tour Jimin gave me before I left yesterday, else I would have definitely died in this large maze of a building, it might seem just a two story club to the necked eyes; however the vast three layered basement floors are sure to be stayed away from! As I sauntered into the gang's weapon room, which was on the second level basement, the air crackled with the electricity of anticipation, and I couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions surge within me. Scared? Maybe. Amazed? Definitely. Shocked? Absolutely. Startled? Oh, you bet. But above all, there was a wicked thrill coursing through my veins as I laid my eyes on the arsenal of killing tools before me.

From sleek, deadly knives to massive, intimidating machine guns, the room was a twisted playground of destruction. It was like stepping into a dark, twisted fantasy where every weapon imaginable materialized at the mere thought of it. I stood there, feeling like a little girl again, but instead of dolls and candy, I was surrounded by a plethora of lethal instruments.

My eyes gleamed with a hint of madness as I reached out, my fingers itching to touch my dream weapon - the infamous O Katana. But just as I was about to indulge in my twisted reverie, a sudden presence loomed behind me, halting me in my tracks.

KK emerged from the shadows like a specter, his gaze piercing through me with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine, him knowing very well, what all sorts of thoughts ran through my mind at an unimaginable speed, drawing my attention to the rest of the members present in the room, them being, Namjoon, KK, Jungkook, V, and Jimin.

VengeanceМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя