In This Life, I Will Save The Duchy! Part 1

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In the Lilac kingdom, not too long ago, the Lumine Duchy was the most powerful, second only to the imperial rulers. The Duchy had played a vital role in the kingdom's foundation, tracing back to their first ancestor, Cedric Lumine. Cedric was an extraordinary sword master, a talent born only once in ten thousand years. He had the unique ability to cut through space using aura, a skill he created and mastered, earning him the nickname "Cedric the Light Sword". However, such talent did not reappear after his death, and none of his descendants could follow in his footsteps.

Cedric, alongside the brilliant Yerins Golden, who was known to be a strategist, successfully defended their small nation and won a 3-year war known as the Revolutionary War against the powerful neighboring Kingdom of Yushria. After winning the war, the two joined hands and transformed their small nation into a powerful Kingdom. They became the founders of the Kingdom of Lilac. Yerins Golden became King Yerins Golden Lilac I of the Kingdom of Lilac and Cedric Lumine, though immensely respected, chose not to become a king but was granted one-tenth of the kingdom's land, forming the Duchy of Lumine.

The Duchy thrived, contributing significantly to the kingdom's prosperity by excelling in weapon crafting and artistry. For the past 600 years, Lilac Kingdom was in trade agreements with neighboring states and kingdoms, gaining recognition for its finest weapons and artistry. However, the glory and achievements of the Duchy began to crumble due to mismanagement, internal conflicts, and famine, all of which were blamed on the current Duke. The native people of the Duchy shared a common sentiment: If that commoner never became the Grand Duke of the Duchy, things wouldn't have gone wrong. A commoner should have never held that title.


In a secluded corner of the somber Duchy, where darkness seemed to reign, a sense of despair and neglect hung heavy in the air. Here, amidst this gloomy atmosphere, stood the Duchy estate, a solemn reminder of better days long past. Within its walls resided a weary, ailing duchess, her health frail and her spirits dimmed by the weight of her burden.

"My Lady, I think you should find a different doctor. The medicine doesn't seem to be helping, and it's making you feel worse," pleaded Leila, the loyal middle-aged maid, to Duchess Emerald. Leila sat next to the unwell Duchess, whose health was getting worse.

"Don't worry, Leila. I guess there's not much that can be done. My time in this world is running out," said Duchess Emerald, as she and Leila gently lifted her frail body from the bed. The bedroom was dark, with only the moonlight providing a dim glow to the antique surroundings.

"You really should lie down, my Lady. The doctor said you need plenty of rest," urged Leila, wanting to convince the stubborn Duchess to stay in bed. But the Duchess was determined to ignore the advice.

"Leila," the Duchess spoke softly, "I'm sorry for troubling you. You should go to bed and leave my side."

"But..." Leila hesitated, wanting to stay with the Duchess.

"My Lady, his Grace has arrived," announced a maid from behind the door.

"All right," said the Duchess, attempting to get out of bed but stopped by Leila.

"My Lady, you're not supposed to get out of bed," insisted Leila, not willing to let the Duchess leave. The Duchess smiled and looked at her, "Can you help me get dressed?" she asked, faintly smiling. Leila, almost in tears, wiped her eyes and helped the Duchess change into a nightgown.

Leila then guided the Duchess out of her bedroom, making their way to the Duke's office. Even though the Duchess was the lady of Lumine Duchy, there were no guards or maids around to assist her as she left her room. It was clear that the Duchess was not treated well, and it saddened Leila to see her lady mistreated.

I WILL BECOME THE DUKEOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz