In This Life, I Will Save The Duchy! Part 7

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"What? Did you just ask me to marry you?" Ivan's eyes widened in shock as he processed Emerald's unexpected proposal. Emerald's cheeks flushed crimson as she nervously stood before him. "I know it's sudden, but I mean it," she replied with determination, though her voice quivered slightly.

"Why me?" Ivan's brows furrowed in confusion, prompting Emerald to stammer in response. "I-I... I think you're different. You're smart, strong, and kind. I've noticed," she admitted, her anxiety growing with each passing moment. Ivan's expression remained unreadable as he listened.

"Are you sure? There are plenty of noble guys out there. I'm just a commoner," Ivan's tone was blunt, his words cutting through the tension in the room. "But those guys only care about titles. You're more than that," Emerald protested, her voice pleading.

"Lady... Emerald, huh?" Ivan tried to recall her name, his gaze unwavering. "Yes, it's Emerald," she confirmed, hoping he would understand. "I appreciate the offer, but I have to say no. I'm not the one you're looking for," Ivan's response was firm, leaving no room for negotiation.

"But I don't care about your status," Emerald insisted, her desperation growing by the second. Ivan let out a heavy sigh, his patience wearing thin. "I think we're done here, Lady Emerald. It's time for you to go," he declared, ending the conversation abruptly.

Defeated, Emerald turned on her heel and hurried out of the room, her heart heavy with disappointment. She made her way back to her dormitory, her mind swirling with unanswered questions and aching with rejection.


Ivan walked into his dorm room to find Cruise eagerly waiting for him by the desk. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the lucky lad who got to chat with the Duchy's princess. Bet you've got the Lady Emerald fan club in a frenzy" Cruise teased, barely able to contain his curiosity. "So spill it, what went down?" he asked eagerly.

Ivan dropped onto his bed and revealed, "She asked me to marry her." Cruise's jaw practically hit the floor. "No way! Are you serious?" he exclaimed, unable to believe what he was hearing.

"Why would I joke about something like that?" Ivan retorted, raising an eyebrow at Cruise's disbelief.

Cruise recovered from his shock and bombarded Ivan with questions. "So, uh, did you say yes? I mean, marrying a noble lady sounds like a pretty sweet deal."

Ivan shook his head. "No, I turned her down," he admitted.

Cruise's eyes widened in disbelief. "You what?" he exclaimed, unable to comprehend Ivan's decision. "Are you crazy? Do you have any idea what being the Grand Duke could mean? It's like hitting the jackpot!" Cruise exclaimed, trying to persuade his friend."

Ivan shrugged, unphased by Cruise's reaction. "I just didn't feel right about it. Besides, I'd rather make my own way in life than have everything handed to me on a silver platter," he explained.

Cruise shook his head in disbelief. "I would've jumped at the chance, man. And think about it – having Lady Emerald as your wife? That's like living in a fairy tale," he mused dreamily.

Ivan remained firm in his decision. "It's not about titles or status for me. I want to earn my success, not have it handed to me because of who I married," he stated firmly.

Cruise sighed dramatically. "You're such a buzzkill, you know that?" he joked, shaking his head at Ivan's pragmatism.

Meanwhile, in her room, Emerald couldn't shake off the sting of rejection as she lay there, lost in her thoughts.


With graduation just a week away, students were permitted to visit their families and make preparations for the ceremony. Ivan, feeling a sense of urgency, quickly packed his things and set out early in the morning to catch a ride to the hospital. His mother was battling an illness, and it had taken a toll on their family's well-being. Ivan's father had passed away when he was just a baby, leaving his mother to raise him alone. Despite their financial struggles, Ivan had worked hard and earned a scholarship to attend the prestigious Royal Academy, a school typically reserved for nobles.

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