In This Life, I Will Save The Duchy Part 5

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Duke Walter, escorted by the Chamberlain, approached the door to the King's Chamber. "Your Majesty, the Grand Duke is here. May we enter?" the Chamberlain announced. "You may," the King replied, permitting them. The two entered the chamber where the King sat in an armchair, awaiting the Duke's arrival.

The King, though aging in his early fifties, possessed a commanding presence. His strong jawline and high cheekbones spoke of authority, while his once-brown hair now bore streaks of grey. Furrows lined his broad forehead, and a sizable beard adorned his face, often touched thoughtfully. His eyes, deep and penetrating, held an authoritative gaze that demanded attention, often shadowed by furrowed brows. A straight nose added to the symmetry of his face, with lips typically set in a firm line. A well-defined chin completed the noble profile that characterized his appearance.

As the Duke entered, he wore a forced smile. "Your Majesty, the beacon of our Kingdom, your reign illuminates every corner of our homeland," the Grand Duke respectfully greeted him with a bow.

The King gestured to the Chamberlain, signaling for him to leave. With a nod, the Chamberlain exited, leaving the two alone in the chamber

"You may take a seat, Grand Duke," King Fredrick permitted. Duke Walter settled into an armchair directly facing the King. "Your Majesty, may I ask why you summoned me?" he inquired.

"Well, I simply wanted to check on your well-being and the status of the Duchy. You're not one to attend ceremonies, even when invited. I suppose your son's knighting takes precedence over the Royal Court," the King remarked, stroking his beard thoughtfully.

"I'm doing well, Your Majesty, and the Duchy remains strong. I had intended to visit you, but my duties have kept me busy these past few years," Duke Walter explained, attempting to deflect.

"I'm not reprimanding you, Grand Duke," the King clarified. "It appears your family's influence continues to grow," he observed.

Duke Walter paused, feeling a pang of apprehension. "Is this a warning? Did he call me here to caution me?" he wondered silently. "How much longer must we tread carefully because of the imperial family?"

Ever since the inception of the Lilac Kingdom, it all started with Cedric the Light Sword, whose legend overshadowed even that of Yerins, the people clamored for Cedric to rule. But he found the idea bothersome, so he instead bestowed the throne upon his friend Yerins. However, kingship brought Yerins power, not the adoration he sought from the people. While Cedric's valor was celebrated through the ages, Yerins remained a mere monarch in the eyes of the public. The true hero, according to the people, was Cedric. As time passed, the comparison between the imperial family and the Lumine Duchy persisted, breeding resentment from the royal household toward the Duchy.

"It's not a good look for the royal family to be overshadowed by the Duchy in influence. So, I'm proposing a solution. I know my ancestors attempted this before, to no avail, but I refuse to let it go," declared the king.

"What proposal, Your Majesty?" Duke Walter inquired nervously.

"One of your offspring must be linked to the royal family," King Fredrick instructed.

"Do you mean one of my children should marry into the imperial household, your Majesty?" Duke Walter asked, taken aback.

"Prince Nolan is notorious, and I've heard rumors of his multiple mistresses. There's no way I'd allow Emerald to marry him," Duke Walter muttered to himself, deep in thought. "Are you suggesting Chris marry Princess Dolly?" he asked, his voice tinged with anxiety, as he awaited the King's response.

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