In This Life, I Will Save The Duchy! Part 6

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At the Duchy estate, preparations for the celebration were well underway after a day of hard work. As night descended, the hall decorations were postponed until the following day, but invitations had already been dispatched. Carriages unloaded wines and provisions in the backyard, where the butler and head chef supervised the process.

Emerald and her maid, Lilith, disembarked from a carriage that had just arrived at the estate. "My lady, where have you been? The Duchess has been anxiously searching for you," Butler Werneck inquired with concern. "Um... where is Mother?" Emerald asked nervously. "She's alone in the dining hall," Werneck replied. "Oh no, I thought I'd be back before dinner. I'm in trouble," Emerald realized, anticipating a scolding from her mother. "Lilith, could you take the box to my room?" she requested.

"Yes, my lady," Lilith replied, heading upstairs with the box as Emerald made her way to the dining hall.

"Hi... Mother," Emerald greeted as she entered. Duchess Kristen sat at the end of the dining table, wearing a frown. "Where did you disappear to this time?" she asked sternly. Emerald pulled up a chair next to her mother and sat down. "I went to the town square to find a gift for Chris. I'm sorry I didn't inform you before leaving, but you seemed busy with preparations," Emerald explained cautiously, eyeing the tempting dishes on the table to distract from her tardiness.

"Ha," the Duchess sighed in disappointment. "Your father and Chris promised to return before dinner. It's already dark now; it's not safe to travel at this hour". "I'm sure the ceremony ran longer than expected. They probably stopped at an inn and will come home tomorrow," Emerald reassured her mother, offering a logical explanation.

The two dined and proceeded to discuss the preparations for the celebration party the next day, enjoying some mother-daughter bonding moments. As the night grew late, it was time for bed. Emerald hurried to take a bath and then settled onto her comfortable bed, quickly drifting off to sleep.


"My lady... my lady," Lilith called out to Emerald in a shaky voice. Emerald, still half-asleep, opened her eyes and yawned. "Yes, Lilith," she replied groggily. "My lady...hic! hic!" Lilith burst into tears, her voice trembling. The sound of crying jolted Emerald awake. "Is it morning already? What's wrong, Lilith? Why are you crying?" Emerald asked, suddenly alert despite the darkness of the early dawn.

Emerald could hear a commotion in the hallway as she rushed to Lilith's side. "Young Master and his Grace...hic! hic!" Lilith struggled to speak through her tears. Concerned, Emerald hurried out of the bedroom and followed Lilith into the hallway, where she found maids and knights with sorrowful expressions.

"What happened?" Emerald's voice quivered with fear as she addressed the servants. They chorused in unison and bowed respectfully. Sir Ronald approached Emerald with a heavy heart, his expression grave. "My lady, a terrible accident occurred while his Grace and young master Chris were on their way to the Duchy, but..." Sir Ronald trailed off, unable to continue.

Emerald's heart raced with dread as she dashed through the hallway to find out more. "They're probably just injured. They'll recover soon, and we'll still have the celebration," Emerald tried to reassure herself.

Reaching the first floor, Emerald saw her mother kneeling beside two covered bodies, weeping inconsolably. Butler Werneck stood nearby, his face a mask of disbelief, while the head maid, Sarah, knelt beside them, also in tears. "No, it can't be! This can't be true," Emerald thought, her body trembling with shock.

Descending the stairs, Emerald approached her mother, desperate for answers. "Mom, what's happening here?" she asked, her voice trembling. The Duchess turned to her daughter, but no words came out. With a sinking feeling in her heart, Emerald removed the cloth covering the bodies, revealing the lifeless faces of the Grand Duke and Chris.

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