In This Life, I will Save The Duchy! Part 3

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"Emerald! Don't touch that sword," Duke Walter cried out, rushing to her side with Chris close behind. "What is it?" Chris asked, his curiosity piqued.

"This is our family heirloom," Duke Walter replied solemnly.

"Our family heirloom?" Chris mused as he examined the sword. Crafted by a master swordsmith, it boasted a distinctive long blade and a hilt fashioned like a cross, with the family's emblem, starlight, intricately engraved upon it. The sword appeared distinctive, as though it had not been crafted within the realm of the kingdom.

"This is the Lumine sword, wielded only by the great Cedric Lumine, our ancestor," the Duke revealed. "Since Cedric's passing, the sword has remained nothing more than an artifact, as no one has been able to wield it. The sword is imbued with Cedric's aura, requiring a wielder whose own aura matches the strength of Cedric Lumine's. In an era where few individuals emit such potent auras, acquiring one as formidable as Cedric's seems nearly impossible, let alone surpassing it." Duke Walter disclosed.

"Okay, everyone, gather around and take a look at these orbs. They were crafted three centuries ago and possess magical properties. With just a touch of magic, they illuminate," Duke Walter unveiled.

"Magic?" Chris exclaimed, surprised by the existence of such enchanted objects.

"That's right. Despite our Kingdom's prohibition on magic two centuries ago, our neighboring Kingdom, Yushira, still has mages who practice it," Duke Walter explained.

They roamed around the room for a while, but Chris grew curious upon spotting a trap door beneath a statue. "Dad, what lies beneath the trap door?" Chris inquired with curiosity. "It's a passage that leads to a diamond mine," Chris exclaimed in shock, but the Duke quickly hushed him, preventing further probing.

"All right, we're done here. It's time to leave this cave and catch the sunset. You wouldn't want to miss the breathtaking sight," the Duke announced, clapping his hands together. They exited the tomb and ascended to the top of the hill. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting its golden rays over the suburb, the children's eyes widened in wonder.

"Wow!" they exclaimed in unison.

"Chris, this township and the entire duchy have flourished thanks to the hard work of your ancestors. Make sure to take care of this land when you become the next Grand Duke," the Duke instructed his son.

"Mm-hmm! Yes, Father," Chris nodded in agreement.


"I'm sorry, Father. I'm sorry, Chris. I'm sorry I've failed you and our people. I'm sorry things took a turn for the worse, and I couldn't prevent it," the Duchess whimpered through her tears. "If only the carriage accident had never happened. If only you two were still alive, and Chris became the Duke, I'm sure things would have turned out differently."

As she closed her eyes, memories flooded her mind.

Year XX80.

Rumors swirled through the duchy estate about the young master receiving the Medal of Honor and a special reward from the king. Lydia, a young maid, excitedly discussed the impending event happening at the palace.

"Even if the King grants Young Master Chris the title of Earl, he deserves it," Cecil, another maid in her late twenties, praised the young master, her cheeks flushed with admiration.

"Young Master is so incredible. He solved the Iron smuggling case and won first place in the swordsmanship tournament," Emily, a cook, chimed in enthusiastically.

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