Chapter 02

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My dearest Jia,

I'll never forget that moment when you speak to me for the first time. It was like the whole world faded into the background, leaving just you and me in that bustling hallway. Your smile, Jia-ya, it was like a burst of sunshine on a cloudy day, lighting up everything around me. And when you spoke, oh, your voice was like a sweet melody that I wanted to listen to on repeat.

I was in my usual rush to get to class, perpetually late as ever. And then there you were, right in front of me. I accidentally bumped into you, but instead of getting all annoyed like most people would, you were the one apologizing. You asked if I was okay, showing genuine concern for this clumsy mess that is me. I just stood there, completely spellbound by your angelic face and that soothing voice, feeling like time had just paused.

I probably looked like an idiot weirdo, standing there staring at you in the middle of the hallway. But you know at that moment, none of it mattered because all I could think about was you. And when you finally went on your way, my mind was still buzzing with thoughts of you. Even though our encounter wasn't the smoothest or most flattering, it filled me with an inexplicable joy because it meant that you had finally noticed me. That day, angel, became one of the most cherished memories of my life.

I ache for us to go back to the way things were, baby. Please, just reach out to me. Every single day, I find myself worrying about you, yearning for that connection we once shared. I'm scared about what's going on between us and why you seem to be avoiding me.

With all my love,



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