Chapter 04

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My dearest Jia,

I'll never, ever forget the day you reached out to me to hang out. It was like a ray of sunshine breaking through the storm clouds of my loneliness. I was sitting there in the cafeteria, feeling like the loneliest person in the world after my only friend had flown off to chase their dreams in America. And then, there you were, extending an invitation for me to join you and your friends.

You have no idea how much it meant to me when you introduced me as your friend. At that moment, it felt like the weight of the world lifted off my shoulders. It was validation, an acknowledgment that I existed in your world. That tiny gesture of friendship meant everything to me.

Those moments we shared, surrounded by your friends, were like precious gems in the rough of my life. Every giggle, every burst of laughter from you was like music to my ears. And oh, how I couldn't tear my eyes away from you. The way your shoulders shook with laughter, the crinkle of your eyes, the way you leaned into the person next to you when you laughed—it was like I was witnessing pure magic. You're more than just beautiful; you're a force of nature, too mesmerizing to be just an ordinary human in my eyes.

Even though back then you might have seen me just as a friend, even if romance wasn't on the table, being near you made me happier than I had ever been. I treasured every moment of our closeness, every shared laugh and inside joke.

I'm holding onto the hope that things between us will improve soon. I miss you more than words can express, love. Please come back to me. I yearn for the warmth of your embrace, for the comfort of your presence. You know that my love for you is unwavering, unchanging, like the stars in the night sky. I'll be here, waiting for you, for as long as it takes.

With all the love in my heart,

Yours always,


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