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Hyunwoo couldn't fathom the harsh reality that the girl who had stolen his heart at first glance, the woman he loved and cared for like a delicate flower, the angel with whom he had shared three unforgettable years, was no longer here with him. He clung to the letters he had poured his heart into, letters that had never found their way into Jia's hands. In front of him, two sterling silver roses, symbols of their love, stood as painful reminders of what once was.

Jung Jia

17th October 1997

23rd June 2020

'Gone yet not forgotten, although we are apart,

Your spirit lives within us, forever in our hearts '

His knees gave out beneath him as he fought against the weight of his grief, the pain becoming almost unbearable. His lungs burned, his vision blurred by the tears as the memories of her filled his mind. His trembling fingers traced the engraved letters on her tombstone as if hoping to bridge the divide between their worlds. One broken sob escaped his lips, followed by another, his voice cracking as he continued his pleading to the heavens above. "Why," he choked out through his tears, his voice almost trembling with pain. "Why did you leave me? You promised you'd stay. You promised."

Jung Jia had been Hyunwoo's light in the dark, the one who possessed the power to heal his deepest wounds. She had been everything to Hyunwoo—his rock, his confidant, his source of immeasurable joy. His hope in life. Even now, in death, she remained an indelible part of Hyunwoo's existence. Every precious memory, little smiles, dips, and curves of her being had become an inseparable part of his soul. She had become his happiness, life's meaning. The drug that had kept him alive when life's burdens threatened to devour him whole.

A deep yearning, almost bordering on desperation overcame Hyunwoo. The memory of her lips brushing against his own, the intoxicating sensation of her fingers intertwined in his hair, the rhythm of their bodies moving in unison as they danced, the way her every touch had ignited fireworks within him—he wanted it all, craved for it all with an intensity he couldn't comprehend. Each passing moment without her felt like a relentless assault, his heart torn asunder by the pain and loss.

With trembling hands, he placed the letters and the flowers on the cold, lifeless tombstone. Tears rushed down his cheeks, grief flowing through his veins. Unbridled grief raced through his veins, his throat tightening from the lump that had formed in it. With each rasping breath, agony washed over him like waves of a storm. His head spun with the overwhelming despair.

"I miss you so much, my love," he whispered, voice cracking, his cheeks puffy with tears. He longed for the touch of her soft lips on his own, of the intoxicating sensation of her fingers intertwined in his hair, of the rhythm of their bodies moving in unison when dancing, and the way her every touch brought him unending joy.

The presence of another filled his heart with bitter-sweet emotions as he turned, his tear-streaked eyes meeting the gaze of the one who had brought him both solace and heartache. It was him, the man who had stolen his lover, the man who had failed to protect her, the man he had considered his best friend—his ex-best friend, Kang Junho. The anger, hatred, and regret consumed all other emotions as Hyunwoo glared at him, his gaze full of venom.

Anguish transformed into a rage as fire consumed his core, a burning fire that threatened to consume everything. His shaking fingers tightened their grip around the person's throat as everything else in the world faded. "You... you bastard!" he seethed, voice trembling with rage. "She left me because of you. You couldn't save her. My baby... you let her die!" The words were laced with pain and betrayal, his fury turning the world into a whirlpool of anguish. Kang struggled to speak amongst the constriction of his grip, desperation dripping from his voice.

"I-I know you're angry with me, but I think you should read these letters. Jia wrote them for you," he managed to exhale, desperation evident in his eyes as the grip tightened.

Hyunwoo's eyes sparkled with curiosity and sorrow as he snatched the letters from Junho's hands. Clutching them to his chest, a mixture of trepidation and longing fluttered in his stomach. His gaze locked onto Junho's, a storm of emotions swirling beneath the surface. "You know," Junho began, his voice laced with remorse, his eyes conveying his sorrow. "I was with her when she left us." The words hit Hyunwoo's ears like a shock, the last piece of Jia's puzzle he prayed he could solve.

Hyunwoo's heart skipped a beat at the revelation, a deep yearning and hope growing within him. He felt hunger for any piece of her, anything that could bring him even a glimpse of her. His gaze was locked onto Junho's, the remorse and pain clear in the man's face. Junho's words were like the final piece of the puzzle Hyunwoo had wanted so badly to solve, the answer to the last piece of her mystery. His hunger grew as the storm raged within him, his emotions swirling with an intensity he couldn't fathom.

With Kang's words, Hyunwoo's heart shattered into a million shards, the last piece of his broken heart falling apart. He fought to hold himself together, his grip on the letters tightening as a lifeline for his broken heart. With each step towards the exit, he felt like dying, his broken soul pressing down on him, tearing him apart. The weight of his sorrow was unbearable, but he knew he could never stop loving her, not while the letters remained, etched with her love, even after her death.

He would continue loving her forever, as that love had transcended beyond physical life; his memories and the letters were living proof of her unconditional love. The letters felt as if they had been the only thing keeping him alive, the small bit of hope and joy within the deep pit of despair. With the last of the letters tucked away tightly against his chest, he was left with no option but to continue in her absence. She would always be a part of him, his love and memories.


(The sequel, 'Still With You' will be out next week)

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