Chapter 09

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My dearest Jia,

Do you remember how I used to tell you about my best friend? The one who's been my rock, my anchor, since we were just three years old? We've weathered every storm together and shared every laugh, every tear, and every moment of our lives. He was there for me when I became an orphan, providing the support, love, and family that I so desperately needed.

But fate had other plans, and he had to leave for America for his studies. We promised to keep in touch, and we did, but before that day I never had the chance to introduce you two. It felt like a missing piece, a void in my life that needed to be filled. So when he returned two months ago after five long years, my heart swelled with joy. Finally, I could introduce you, my beloved, to the person who means the world to me. My girlfriend, the love of my life, meeting my best friend, the only family I have, the two pillars of my existence coming together. Everything was perfect at that time.

That day, when you both spent time together, laughing and talking, teasing me together, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of joy and happiness. Seeing you two getting along so effortlessly, was a moment of pure bliss for me. Your smile, oh, your smile! It was radiant and genuine, like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. For a moment, it felt like everything in my world was falling perfectly into place.

But I never guessed that it would be the last time I'd witness that precious smile directed at me. Everything changed after that day, didn't it? You weren't the same as before. Something shifted between us, at first it's small but now it's making a huge dent in our relationship. I can't figure out what and where everything went wrong. Did someone hurt you? Threatening you? Did I unknowingly say or do something to cause you pain or make you uncomfortable? Or perhaps it's the weight of work and its relentless pressures that's weighing down on your shoulders?

Please, my love, fill me in. Share your burdens with me, as I promised to share both the happiness and the pain in our lives. We are a team, you and I, and together we can overcome any problems in our way. We are soulmates, bound by a love that's supposed to win overall. I have already reached out to our mutual friends, seeking any advice or hints about this drift in their words, and they assured me that you were still talking to them like old times. Then why, my flower, did you choose to shut me out? Please don't ignore me, for these letters I write, pouring my heart onto the pages, are my poor attempt to find peace within myself. But I don't know how long I can live with this.

The letters help me ease the pain, but the pain still hurts me like someone stabbing me again and again. I beg of you, my dear, please come back to me. Talk to me. Share your fears and worries with me, and together, we'll face them head-on. Come back to me so we can solve whatever problem stands between us, for I cannot bear the thought of losing you. Please just let me in.

With all the love in my aching heart,



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