Chapter 14

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My Dearest Jia,

I've been searching high and low for you, my love. It's been a tough couple of weeks without you around. I can't shake this worry that's been eating away at me. Are you okay? Please, don't keep me in the dark. Talk to me if something is wrong. Even if you choose him over me I'll be there for you if you need me.

You're usually the one brightening up everyone's day, loved teaching little kids how to dance, you are the one who never misses a class. But now, you've vanished into thin air. You haven't come to the studio for two months. I've checked everywhere, from your parents' place to your apartment, but you're nowhere to be found. It's like you've disappeared into the air. Even our friends are worried and concerned, clueless about your whereabouts. Where in the world are you hiding? And why are you hiding?

I even swallowed my pride and hater to go and talk to that jerk, my ex-best friend. I thought maybe he knew something because he should have known where his girlfriend right? But he just brushed me off like I was nothing, saying you are no longer my concern and told me to fuck off. It took all my strength not to lose it right then and there and punch him. How could he be so heartless? Was I the only one who saw him as my family for all those years?

Jia-ya, even if you've moved on with someone else, you love someone else, please know that my feelings for you haven't changed a bit. My love for you is like an unbreakable bond, stretching beyond any distance or obstacle. You're my rock, my safe place, my savior. I'll be here for you, no matter what, holding onto hope until my dying breath, that one day you will come back to me. That's how much I love you, baby.

Forever and always,


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