Chapter 10

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My dearest Jia,

Why are you hurting me like this, my love? What have I done to deserve this unbearable pain? It feels as though you've turned your back on me, leaving me to navigate this storm of uncertainty all alone. Today, I saw you in front of our favorite bench in the park. I called out your name, my voice trembling with hope and, but you quickly walked away as if you didn't hear me. But I know you heard me. I saw that fleeting moment of hesitation, the way your shoulders tensed before you hurried away. Why are you avoiding me, baby? What happened to us? What did I do wrong?

Do you still love me, Jia? Do you even care about me anymore? These questions haunt me day and night, tormenting me with their unanswered echoes. I search for clues in the depths of my memories, in the silence of your gestures, but all I find is an impenetrable wall, not being able to find any problem. Have I become nothing to you? Have I lost your love, your affection, your very essence? It feels as though I'm drowning in a sea of doubt and despair, reaching out desperately for a lifeline that continues to elude my grasp.

Even if you stop loving me, even if you forget about me, please know that my love for you will never waver. It burns with an intensity that rivals the brightest stars in the night sky. You are my lifeline, my anchor in this messy sea of life. You are the only good thing that has ever happened to me, my beacon of hope in a world shrouded in darkness. I'm not asking for much; all I want is to have you back in my arms, to feel your warmth and your love surrounding me once again.

Could you please at least explain what's happening, my love? I'm begging you to open up to me, to share your fears and your worries with me. Together, we can overcome any obstacle that stands in our way. I want you to know, Jia, that I love you. I love you with every fiber of my being, with every beat of my heart. Please remember that, my dear, even in the darkest of times. You are my everything, and I'll love you unconditionally, now and for all eternity.

I beg you, my love, tell me what I have done wrong. Let me make amends, let me heal the wounds that have torn us apart. For I cannot bear the thought of losing you, my Jia. Please talk to me.

With all love in my heart,



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