Chapter 05

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My dearest Jia,

I still remember the day we became dance partners. Oh, it was a day to remember and my heart still beats aloud whenever I remember that day. We were assigned a school project, just a run-of-the-mill assignment on the surface, but for me, it felt like the most important thing in the world. The person I've been harbored a crush on for what seemed like forever, now becoming my partner in crime on the dance floor. It felt like fate had finally smiled upon me, and I couldn't believe my luck.

Working together meant more than just completing a project; it meant spending precious time with you, just the two of us, pouring our hearts and souls into our shared passion. But I'd be lying if I said it didn't sting a little when you introduced me to your mom as just your friend. I mean, yeah, technically that's what I was to you, but deep down, I wished you could see me as something more since we've been friends for a few months. Still, I'd gladly settle for being by your side in any capacity, no matter what.

As the weeks passed, our bond only grew stronger. Being your partner was more than just dancing; it was a connection that ignited a fire within me. Dancing became more than just a hobby; it became our thing, our shared passion that defined us. Whenever we talked about it, it felt like there was this unspoken understanding between us, like you could read my thoughts better than anyone else in the world. Back then, spending time with you was pure bliss, and truth be told, it still is for me. That's how important you are to me, Jia-ya.

Please, I beg of you, tell me if I messed up somewhere along the way. It cuts deep every time I see that fake smile plastered on your face when you reassure me that everything's fine. I want so desperately to believe you, but I've known you for years. Even as you tell me we're okay, deep down, I can't shake this nagging feeling, this doubt that lingers in the shadows, crawling towards me, suffocating me. Are we really okay?

With all the love in my heart,

Yours truly,


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