Chapter 15

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My Dearest Jia,

Why did you keep it from me, Jia-ya? Wasn't I someone you could confide in? How long were you hiding this from me? And why? Why did you have to hurt me like this? You know how much I love you, right? But you never let me in on your secret. It's okay that you're with him now. Even if you're not mine, I can still care for you from a distance. But now, you're not even here. You're just gone. Completely and utterly gone.

Why did you choose to leave me all alone in this harsh world? I'm scared, Jia-ya. I have no one left. You were my only ray of hope, and now you're gone. I feel like I'm losing my grip on reality. It's hard to believe that the same angel who pulled me out of the darkness is now out of reach. Forever.

I can't bear the thought that I'll never see you again. Hear your voice again. Feel your touch again. Why did you have to leave so soon? Why? It's his fault, you know. He didn't take care of you. He should have protected you, but he didn't. I hate him for that. He failed to keep you safe, my sweet Jia. And I hate myself too... because I let you slip away. If only I hadn't let you go that day, maybe you'd still be here with me. Alive and breathing.

But remember this, my love, even though you're gone, my love for you remains the same for eternity. No one will ever replace you in my heart. Because you took a piece of my heart with you when you left. Jung Jia... my sunshine, I love you forever and always.

Your love,


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