Chapter 1

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Ymir wonder what would happen if something change, having been trapped in the Paths for all of eternity, once bounded by her love for king; now that eternal chain of slavery have been shattered. Through out that entire time spent in the Paths continuously building the Titans with the sands around her she often wonders how history would have change if certain events never or would have happen.

Like what would happen if She never stumbled upon the tree that gave her the powers of the Titan, if Karl Fritz never had exiled himself along with the Eldians from Paradis, or if maybe Eren Yeager never was born. That last point was interesting for her. If that man never had existed what would happened. Well she already knew what would happened Paradis would fall and Marley is the most powerful nation on the planet.

So maybe she'll change with that scenario, what would happen if Eren Yeager was replaced. Someone who'd take his place. predictably it would be the same outcome as Eren Yeager never was born: Marley becoming the most powerful nation. So the person that'll replace Eren Yeager needs to have his core, the same motivation that caused Eren to commit genocide, a cause so greater it broke her shackles of solitude and slavery: Freedom.

Yes she can just create an Eldien with the same motivation as Eren Yeager. She had something different in mind. What about an Eldian that came from the future, also possessing that need for freedom.

Everything around him is black, everything consume by absolute darkness. He can't see anything even his own body he can't see. While some would be disturb or panic at this enigma conundrum.

But for him, he's a bit ambivalent. It's pretty scary in this dark void, he can't move or even feel any physical sensation. While the same time he's in total serene. If he's stuck in this void purgetory panicking won't do him any good. 'How did I end up here anyway? Did I die?'

Trying to remeber what had happened, but instead he remembers his life, having been grown up in the suburban neighborhood on the nation of Paradis. His childhood wasn't the best.

He got thrown to the wall by his drunken father. Groaning in agony, all over his back the pain spread; it felt like his bones had been shattered from the impact. Trying to hold back his tears. 'Damm! This hurts! So much!' he doesn't want his father to beat him up more for being a 'loser'.

Father will always beat him up if he cries, claiming crying is for weaklings or losers. Tonight his father is especially volitile today, he doesn't know why his father more angry this day, but all he want's for father to stop beating him. He felt something is coming out of his mouth, something wet tasting like iron wierdly.

Swipping of the substance from his mouth, looking at the liquid made his heart stop, stomach dropping down, and his eyes shaking in fear. He saw his hand covered in crimson red. "I-is t-this b-b-blood...?" He groan out, the fear is evident in his voice. This finally broke his last straw and starts crying.

"What are you CRYING ABOUT? TCH! STOP CRYING IT'S TOO FUCKING LOUD!" His father looks at him with madness in his eye. His wide blood shot beady eyes staring at him. His whole appearance was like a ravage man; standing with a slouch posture, both hair and beared scuff and messy, tiny pieces of dirt and bread stuck between the strands of beared hair. Clothes while overall dry are a bit wet at certain parts from his sweat. On his hand clutching was a beer bottl empty from the looks of it. His state is truly reminiscent of a savage man: a person with no sense of self, only following his based insticts.

Having been thrown agaisnt the wall and is helpless to his father's abuse, he could only quiver in fear from the terrifying sight of his father. He tried to heed his father words; trying not to cry he covered his mouth with his hand, but he can't contain it; Tears flow down, along with a runny nose.

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