Chapter 8

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Slowly Armin opened his eyes he looked around this unfamiliar place he was in. It seemed like he was the only one in the room it was dark but thankfully his eyes adjusted to the darkness so there was some visibility. The room is mostly empty but there is a mattress and a plate that has stale bread on it, and there is an old wooden door that has a small crack in the middle where a lone light is shining through it.

"Where am I?" Armin said softly feeling in a nebulous state, All his memories were messed up and foggy he stood up in a sluggish manner placing his hand on the wall to support himself. His head hurt like crazy but ignored the pain as right now the top priority was leaving the room and going to the door he grabbed the rusted metal doorknob he turned it to open but wouldn't, then the blond pushed the door open again it was a futile action. He's stuck in this room with no way of escaping there aren't any windows to climb out of and Armin is fully aware of how abysmal his athletic prowess is, now there is the option shouting for help but something inside of him like a gut reaction told the boy that would be a bad idea. 'I need to remember how I got here maybe that'll give me a hint to escape.' Armin thought sitting back down on the mattress and trying to remember what happened.

Footsteps, Armin heard footsteps outside the room listening to the sounds of how the footsteps were coming to the room. Armin runs to a corner of the room placing his back against the wall and covering his mouth with his hand. Probably on how thin the walls are and the two guys making the footsteps are close he could hear what they're saying.

"Come on stupid kid." One of them said.

"Hey stop resisting! Or else you want to die!" Another one said shouting at obviously a boy.

"P-please! Let me go! I want to go back to Mama!" Armin heard a kid say that and then flinched at the painfully loud sound of a slap.

"Shut up you brat!" The one who shouted at the boy said the door flung open and the kid was thrown inside the room landing on the mattress then the door slammed shut. Armin quickly runs to the door using the crack to peep outside.

Blinking the few lights from the brightness, though his eyes were getting adjusted to the lights he saw:  It was a large wooden room on the side there were rows of doors, Armin guessed similar to this room those rooms probably must've kids as well. Above where the doors are there's a lamp to light up the room. There's also a bunch of cages in the middle inside of each cage where a group of children either a bit younger than him or a few years older than him, All of them were huddled together with shackles on their arms, all of them wearing ragged and dirty white clothing that loosely hung unto them. What horrified Armin the most was the condition of their sunken and soulless eyes, their skin so pale it reminded Armin of Sigurd's hair. It looked like they hadn't eaten for who knows how long as their so skinny Armin could practically see the bones.

Seeing them made Armin's spine shiver in horror. Around the room, there are a bunch of people far older than the kids just standing there or doing something, yet they aren't helping the kids in the cages they're just simply ignoring them. 'W-why aren't they helping?'Armin thought he even spotted some Garrisons soldiers playing with cards.

Then Armin sees a couple enter the room, Armin's heart stops when he recognizes one of those people: Samuel Geinz. 

"Why is Pastor Geinz here? Is he with these people?" Armin thought. He saw the Pastor was talking to another man, this man far more imposing and scary looking having many scars on his face.

"H-hello t-there." Someone said. Turning around Armin saw it was the boy that got thrown in here. "Uh, h-hey there I'm Armin Arlert," Armin said waving at him.

"Justin Drik," Justin said.

"Um, Justin do you know where we are?" Armin said.

"Y-you don't know? Well this is where the kidnapped children like us are brought here . . . " Justin said

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