Chapter 5

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"Sigurd were almost there now." Grisha said to the young boy. He's dressed in a formal attire while Sigurd is dressed white brown jacket, black shirt and pants. Since it was pretty cold outside Carla had Sigurd wear a red scarf. This piece of cloth, Sigurd felt something in him; a feeling this scarf in someway is important somehow. Carrying with him is a large sling bag, filled with toys and other things to but that's just to cover up the crossbow he carrying it just in  case their in danger.

They're walking on a green plain field with grass, some miles behind them is a village. Their now on the outskirts of it. In the distance he could see a lone simple looking house, it had only one floor with wooden piller to support the cobblestone wall. Behind the house is a farm and further away from the house is a dense forest.

They were going to one of dad's client, a family of three people. The Ackermans These people are regular clients of Grisha. The father is acquaintance with Grisha himself. The doctor had Sigurd come along to play with their daughter. Of course the boy questioned why to Grisha, which the doctor said his white haired son needs more friends than just Armin alone; even Carla advocate the idea as she thinks he needs to go out more. Explore the world in her own words.

The Ackermans a surname etch in history after all it's the surname of two of the legendary Heroes of humanity. Mikasa Ackerman the one who slayed the Devil and Levi Ackerman supposedly the 'strongest' humanity has to offer, said to have legendary skills that makes them godlike and strength to rival the Titans. It's obvious to Sigurd the houhold their going to isn't some random family that happens to have the surname of Ackermans. They are the family that houses the Mikasa Ackerman.

He has no strategies on how would he interact with Mikasa Ackerman, should he avoid her in the future ince if he follows the path of Eren Yeager she'll be the one to kill him or he could befriend her and potentially have a different outcome where he doesn't die by her hands. Another thing he needs to act cool around her, he needs to be focused, yet this is Mikasa Ackerman. The one who slayed the Devil, her name forever immortalized in history for saving humanity. How can he not act nervous around her. 'My plan for now is to befriend her, I don't want to potentially make enemies with her.' Sigurd thought.

Sigurd looks to the sky above, the sky's are covered in grey clouds looking like it's about to rain at anytime. For the past week he had been following Samuel, observing the large house and studying the guards routine  from afar; memorizing each and every guards exact face, he's even got some of their names by closely listing to their conversation. Sigurd also known the large house exterior pretty well and any good escape routes around the area, sadly he doesn't have any idea on the inside; the only information he does have is the kidnapp kids are stored in their. Another thing he was able to get some information about the two people: James and Morter. Apparently their father is some head honcho of a merchants guild and their house is somewhere in Wall Rose. That's really all the information he has about those two, bare bones and barely helpful.

'Man it would be so easy to just inform the Garrisons or the Military Police, but I can't do that. It's clear those guys have deep pockets. For now it's risky to have any member of those two involved, I don't know if their good or not. I'm practically alone on this one.' Sigurd thought he mentally sighs, any person in Sigurd's shoes would likely choose to not get involved with this, something that has a high probability to endanger his life. Ignore it like the old saying goes: ignorance is bliss.

But for some reason even Sigurd doesn't know why he can't ignore it, no something in him calls out to dive head first into this, to help those kids, to slaughter those kind of people. That calling is too strong for Sigurd to defied, that instinctual needs compelling him to do it. Felt like a chain wrapping around the neck, almost to a chocking degree of tight. This chain tugs at him to go to a certain path. Sometimes Sigurd thinks the reason behind his actions of planning to save the kids wasn't even motivated by an altruid reason, no he sometimes think the reason he's doing this is because of that unknown force forcing the white haired boy to save them and slaughter those people.

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