Chapter 9

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Hannes gets thrown against the wall; he felt some of his bones shattering from the collision, and blood began to slide from his mouth to his chin. "D-damn t-that hurts . . . " Hannes said. He slowly got up using the shelves as support.

"Come on! Don't die yet I haven't been satisfied yet! The Hunt needs to last longer!" Anton said readying his fists, giving Hannes a feral smile reminding the Garrison soldier of a beast; in fact, this person was more like a Titan than a human. "You know, you're more like a Titan than a human." Hannes said getting into a Fighting stance.

Anton chuckles at Hannes. "Don't flatter me." Anton said, his craze crimson eye stares at Hannes. A few seconds passed by with them not moving an inch, everything around them seemed to slow. Both fighters weren't focused on the environment, no their focus was solely on each other.

Hannes felt his heart pounding growing ever so louder and quicker, feeling the blood and sweat dripping from the face, hands shaking in a whirlwind of different emotions; Fear, anxiousness, anger, and uncertainty. He realized the person in front of him wasn't a human but a Titan who looked human; from the beginning, Anton oozed an aura of fear, it was like he was a mighty wolf and Hannes a rabbit, his prey. But this won't detour Hannes, even if Anton was some kind of creature of strength there are lives depending on him right now. 

Anton was right in front of Hannes in the blink of an eye, his punch going straight into Hannes's face, multiple thoughts simultaneously ran in his head, though the instincts of a soldier drilled into him from his time at the cadets took over him. Hannes barely dodges the punch; the punch landed on the wall behind him the wall shattered to pieces, the bricks crumpled to dust. 'WHAT!' Hannes thought.

Then Anton grabs his face, clutching it tightly. "Up you go!" Anton laughs like a madman, he chucks Hannes toward the ceiling. Bursting through and subsequently landed on the second floor, he gritted his teeth trying to not scream: every bone in his body was broken, dozen open wounds on his body, and every splinter and sharp wooden piece of the floor stabbing him, their sharp ends digging deep into the skin. "Dammit! How am I supposed to beat this guy?" Hannes said he looks down to see Anton walking up a staircase. 'If I can't beat this guy head on, I should do it by surprise.' Hannes thought he ran over to a nearby room.

It seemed to be a storage area, it had a bunch of furniture covered by a white blanket, and the room was clearly old with dust and cobwebs everywhere. 'This room is a good place for a sneak attack.' Hannes thought he hides behind a table.

Hannes heard the footsteps of Anton coming closer and closer. "OH~ I like this! A fun game!" Hannes heard Anton say, the beast is definitely in the room with Him. Hannes steadied himself. It's obvious that fighting him with only hands is a bad idea so a weapon is needed, luckily there was one. 

Piercing his left thigh is a large wooden piece, it was large as a knife. 'It'll do the trick.' Hannes thought, ripping off some of the blankets that covered the table. 'One, two, three go!' In one pull Hannes pulled out the wooden piece;l Hannes nearly scream in agony but was able to hold himself back, then using the blankets to cover the wound. 'Good I have a weapon.'

Peeking over the table and saw the golden opportunity, the one chance; Anton's back was exposed. then Hannes jumps over the table and using all of his force pulls back and thrusts the wooden piece into Anton's back. "Die you monster bastard!" Hannes said shouting. 

The wooden piece stabs Anton, tearing through the flesh and digging deep into Anton's body. Blood was launched everywhere. Any normal human would've been screaming in pain but no this man began to laugh hysterically. "It has been so long since I've gotten a good hunt that I've become this rusty?" Anton throws Hannes off his back. Hannes quickly got up and tried to stab Anton but the man dodges it. "I've got to give you some praise not many people made me bleed!" Anton punches Hannes which sends him flying across the room.

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