Chapter 4

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It's the dead of night and both of his parents were asleep yet he wasn't. Sigurd doesn't know why but he can't sleep. Every position he tried, closing his eyes for long stretches of time he can't sleep. He wasn't sleepy. So with nothing else to do he sat by his window, watching the streets below.

Since it's night time there was barely anyone down there except of course the occasional drunken men stumbling around, People walking down the street and the one or two different Garrisons patrolling the street below. Aside from those the streets were just empty. It was like the whole city is empty; void of any people. Reminiscent of a ghost town with the only being cricket chirping. The only signs of life are the bugs crawling around or the rodents skittering while having scrap food on their mouth: Sigurd saw one rat carrying a large chicken that looks to be discarded, the rat goes inside one of the houses through an expose crack hole in their porch.

Despite how seemingly barren the streets are; for Sigurd it was quite a peaceful scene for him to just think, reflecting his entire new life up to this point: his reincarnation, Titans, his parents, his first friend Armin, and The string of disappearances.

Despite all his time he still doesn't understand how or why did he reincarnated, especially in the body of the worst man in history. He can't wrap his head around i, was it supposed to be some kind of cruel joke, despite his life right now is the best life he can ask for he has to commit various atrocities and genocide or else it'll lead to Paradis Island getting ransacked by the other more powerful nations like Marley. Maybe he was really in hell force to become the devil himself. The only inkling of answer he has to his reincarnation is maybe it's related to the Titans themselves. Even back in the modern times scientists and researchers never had figured out the secrets of the Rumbling and mystery of the Titans, how the Titans and subsequently the Titan Shifters defied the rules of reality; having extraordinary abilities that shouldn't be possible in real life, akin to a gods themselves. It's possible if he figures out the mystery of the Titans he can have an answer why he's been reincarnated.

Still even if this is suppose to be he'll, it's heaven for Sigurd. After all he has two loving parents that care about him and an actual friend to relay on. This is already leagues better than his old one. Another thought came to him. The string of disappearances, the thought sickens him, the horrid fate the children had befallen unto them. Gritting his teeth in anger, he wanted to do something but he can't, he doesn't know where to start and how is he supposed to do that when he's body is that of an five years old. For now his basically helpless in the cases and the only thing he can do is pray for the Garrisons to catch the kidnappers.

Looking down at his lap, on top of Sigurd's legs is a crossbow resting on it. He finally made his weapon, well the only thing not completed yet are the crossbow's ammunition; the arrows. So far  only five arrows are made, he wanted to create more. Only problem is Sigurd doesn't have enough any resources to make more.

Below on the streets Sigurd saw Samuel walking down the cobblestone streets carrying what looks like a brief case. Seeing the pastor walking down the street made Sigurd confuse, inside of the white haired boy his suspicion is rising about the pastor. 'What's he doing here? There a curfew to not be outside this late in the night . . . Unless maybe he has something to do with the disappearances. Should I follow him?' Sigurd thought. He wanted to follow the pastor to see where the man is going. Whether it was a sense morbid curiosity or his sense of justice to see if the man is doing anything sketchy or is in fact involved with the string of disappearances.

The only problem is whether it's safe for him to follow Samuel. The place were the pastor is going could be very dangerous and he doesn't have anything to defend himself, sure he has his crossbow but the weapon only has five arrows to fire. Not exactly reassuring the white haired boy of his safety. The place Samuel is going could have multiple armed people.

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