Chapter 6

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Hannes looks over again the scattered missing profiles of the missing kids, a map layout of the entire the Shiganshina District, and the written report of the victims families. All the documents and papers were scattered across the table disorderly.

But again like the past hour he wasn't seeing any damn clues or patterns on where those kids are or who's the sick freak causing the kidnappings, it's frustrating for the Garrisons Soldier to be basically helpless to help those poor victims. The past three months or so a wide spread of kidnapping occurred many kids taken away from their families to god who knows where.

Supposedly the Military Police are investigating the kidnappings and trying to stop, but Hannes knew that was a big flat lie he saw the Military Police personal at the bar drinking away like there wasn't a mass spread kidnappings. The only thing Hannes could give some sorta of compliment to the Military Police is implementing a curfew to not go outside late at night and employing both their own troops and the Garrisons to patrol around the district covering a wider range of area. At least it seems like there was someone in the Military Police who actual cares about the disappearances and not be a drunken fool.

"Well that's ironic coming someone like me. Hehehe . . . " Hannes said, softly chuckling to himself fondly remembering how he used to just laze about around the barracks or at his post, playing cards and drinking with buddies of his. Just having a good ol' time, enjoying the peace of Shiganshina District, maybe watch some of the occasional drunken fights or heck maybe participating fight themselves and probably later get reprimanded for it.

Despite being only a few months since he did that for Hannes it felt like it was a life time ago, lately he has been investigating the kidnappings so he didn't really joins his with buddies drinking lately. Too deep into this rabbit hole to be distracted, he won't give up not anytime soon he'll see this through the end.

Then Hannes heard a knocking noise on his door already knowing who it is he called out. "You can come in honey!" Hannes said, the door open reveal the the figure of his beautiful wife Adale Alkoholo. She's a bit shorter then him with her head only reaching to his nose, having a slender body with smooth skin and dirty blond hair tied into a braided hair bun, her brownl hazel eyes and pink lips. Adale is carrying a plate of bread with chicken and a wooden cup of water.

"Another late night eh Hannes?" Adale said, she places the food and water on the table right in front of Hannes. Somethinh Adale said confuses him. "Late night? What time is it?" Hannes said, then he looks at the clock it was midnight already, guess he was too engrossed into his work he didn't notice. "Here's dinner honey." Adale said to Hannes he gave his wife a warm smile. "Thanks honey I was pretty hungry." Hannes said before eating the food.

"So how's it going? You got any leads?" Adale said she grabs a chair to sit. Hannes looks to his wife before swallowing. "To be Frank I don't have any leads or any clue where those children are." Hannes said.

"No clue huh? At least any progress?" Adale said. Hannes shake his head this made Adale frown.
"Nope I haven't made any progress at all it's frustrating as hell." Hannes said it soured his mood to see innocent children getting kidnapped and justice not getting served.

"Honey why don't you have the other Garrisons or Military Police help you out?" Adale said she wondered why her husband was seemingly the only one actually cared about the disappearances.

"Well to be honest I don't think the Military Police or the Garrisons give a damn, like they just treat this problem like it's some far away problem not related to them even though it literally happening right in front of them." Hannes said he scowled.

"You know Hannes that's what I loved about you, your big kind heart." Adale said she gave Hannes a comfortable hug. This really relieved some of his stress on the whole matter. "Thanks honey." Hannes said embracing his wife.

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